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To use their training in cell/molecular biology and bioinformatics to design, execute and analyze experiments to study epigenetic mechanisms of gene regulation that control lung epithelial cell differentiation in development and disease including the function of specific long non-coding RNAs using in vitro induced pluripotent stem cells as well as in vivo mouse models.

  • Collects and assembles data for any type of oral or written presentation.
  • Independently develops scientific hypotheses related to ongoing work in the laboratory.
  • Independently designs experiments to test hypotheses.
  • Independently carries out or delegates procedures for experiments.
  • Analyzes results of experiments independently.
  • Independently prepares oral and written reports for the P.I. on research to include, but not limited to: coherently and effectively communicating our laboratory research by writing abstracts, manuscripts, grant proposals and data reports for grants and oral presentations with corresponding slide presentation for PI, local and national meetings.

Performs routine and more difficult procedures, analyzes data and coherently presents results in the form of presentations, abstracts, manuscripts and the basis for grant writing, preparation and submission


Ph.D. in cell biology, genetics, or molecular biology

Previous experience in confocal microscopy, FACS, RNA-sequencing analysis, CRISPR/Cas9 preferable

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