ASCO Annual Meeting
June 1, 2018 - June 5, 2018
The Annual Meeting brings together more than 32,000 oncology professionals from around the world to discuss state-of-the-art treatment modalities, new therapies, and ongoing controversies in the field.
We can’t wait to see you in Chicago. As you prepare for this year’s Meeting, visit the Attendee Resource Center to find a host of resources that will help simplify your experience. Also, check out pre-meeting educational programs and networking meet-ups and networking lounges designed to help attendees make the most out of their meeting.
Education Sessions
Education Sessions offer interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary explorations of focused areas of clinical oncology. ASCO’s Cancer Education Committee determines the topics and format for these sessions that will best serve the educational needs of Annual Meeting attendees. Particular care is taken to ensure that these sessions address issues including surgical, radiation, and geriatric oncology; symptom management; health services research; international perspectives; and pathology, as appropriate.
Clinical Problems in Oncology Sessions
Clinical Problems in Oncology Sessions combine the use of case-based panel discussion with interactive keypad technology for audience participation. These sessions are ticketed and require an additional registration fee.
Meet the Professor Sessions
Meet the Professor Sessions enable interactive discussion between attendees and recognized experts in a variety of subspecialty fields. The format is informal with an emphasis on a face-to-face exchange with the expert. These sessions are ticketed and require an additional registration fee.
New in 2018: ASCO Annual Meeting Workshops will offer interactive, didactic teaching to attendees on select topics. Attendees will participate in hands-on experiences, working in small groups to learn practical, take-home skills and tools to implement in their practices. Workshops are scheduled for Friday, June 1, and will be limited in size. Space will be available on a first come, first served basis.
Plenary Session
The Plenary Session includes 15-minute didactic presentations highlighting abstracts of scientific research deemed to have the highest merit and greatest impact on oncology research and practice. Experts in the field will serve as discussants to place research findings into perspective. The Plenary Session will take place on June 3, 2018, 1:00 PM-4:00 PM.
Oral Abstract Sessions
Oral Abstract Sessions include didactic presentations of abstracts representing important clinical and translational research findings by topic category. Presenting authors may use PowerPoint slides to accompany their oral presentation. Experts in the field are chosen as discussants to provide comprehensive themed discussions of the findings from predetermined abstracts.
Clinical Science Symposia
Clinical Science Symposia provide a forum for science in oncology, providing foundational education on a specific topic with the presentation of abstracts. Experts in the field (discussants) place studies in the appropriate context based on the strength of the evidence and critically discuss the conclusions in terms of their applicability to clinical practice.
Highlights of the Day Sessions
Highlights of the Day Sessions invite expert discussants to present key findings, put abstracts into clinical context, and provide an overview of the previous day’s oral abstract sessions.
Poster and Poster Discussion Sessions
Abstracts displayed in poster format. Select posters will be chosen for Poster Discussion Sessions where expert discussants will highlight the most clinically applicable and novel posters, with abstract authors participating as panel members. These sessions will be followed by networking with discussants and authors.
Award Lectures
Presented throughout the Annual Meeting, Award Lectures recognize distinguished award recipients.
Annual Business Meeting
The ASCO Annual Business Meeting is for ASCO Members to hear updates on the state of the Society. Members are encouraged to pre-register online to attend this event.
Opening Session
The Opening Session includes the Presidential Address, Guest Speaker’s Address, and recognition of Fellows of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (FASCO).