Assistant Professor – Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics
June 27, 2017 - September 15, 2017
The Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics at University of Illinois College of Medicine is embarking on a new initiative in epigenetics, systems biology and areas related to Departmental interests. The initiative will involve the recruitment of several junior faculty (tenure track Assistant Professors). The areas of expertise we anticipate recruiting include biochemistry, molecular genetics, cell biology and bioinformatics as they apply to the investigation of healthy and disease states. The Department has a rich intellectual environment in biomedical research encompassing structural biology, signal transduction, membrane biology, control of gene expression, cell cycle regulation, cell metabolism and cancer biology. We plan to recruit 3-5 junior faculty over the next several years. Candidates will be expected to have a PhD, completed productive post-doctoral fellowship training and be poised to establish their own independent research. Attractive start-up packages and support will be offered.
Submit application by September 15th, 2017 via the University electronic application process at https://jobs.uic.edu/job-board/job-details?jobID=81821 and upload a cover letter, CV, a one page summary of future research plans & names of three references with contact information, who may be requested to supply a letter of support.
The Assistant Professors (tenure track) should have expertise in biochemistry, molecular genetics, cell biology, structural biology or bioinformatics of epigenetic mechanisms as they apply to the investigation of healthy and disease states. The primary responsibilities of junior faculty will be to direct or establish and lead a high quality, externally funded research program. They will be expected to publish the results of their research studies in leading scientific journals of their discipline. In addition, Junior faculty candidates are expected to assist in the education mission of the department and to provide whatever academic service is requested to by the Head of Department.
The Assistant Professor (tenure track)Â faculty will hold a PhD or equivalent degree in their discipline and have completed post-doctoral training in a leading research environment.