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The laboratory of Professor Xiaole Shirley Liu (http://liulab.dfci.harvard.edu/) at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard T.H.Chan School of Public Health invites applicants for a computational biology postdoctoral position. The research in the laboratory focuses on designing bioinformatics algorithms and integrative genomics approaches to model gene regulation, find novel drug targets and combinations, and predict response to targeted and immunotherapies in cancer. Recently Dr. Liu became the PI of the NCI Cancer Immunologic Data Commons (CIDC) Center to develop the bioinformatics algorithms and infrastructure to integrate comprehensive profiling of all NCI-sponsored immunoncology trials, with the goal of predicting cancer immunotherapy outcomes.


Ideal applicant should have:
  • A PhD degree in related field (bioinformatics, physics, statistics, engineering, etc) received in the last 3 years
  • Strong quantitative background (machine learning, Bayesian inference, etc.) or computational genomics experiences (high throughput sequence analysis, etc.)
  • Strong programming skills: ((Python | C | C++ | Java) & R)
  • At least two first authored English papers (or three if co-first authors) with submitted, accepted or published status in journals
  • Good spoken and written communication skills in English
Interested applicants should submit CV, a letter of interest with a one-page proposal for a project to be conducted in the Liu Lab, and contact of three references to xsliu@jimmy.harvard.edu with subject line “Postdoctoral application”.

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