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– Hands-on training workshops to learn to navigate, analyze, and integrate ENCODE and mouse ENCODE data into your research. No programming experience required.
– Leading-edge research applications from distinguished invited speakers.
– Tutorials on newly-available informatics pipelines that greatly facilitate working with ENCODE data.
– Short talks selected from abstracts.
– Poster sessions

– Viewing, querying, and downloading ENCODE data
– Running ENCODE processing pipelines on your own data (including ChIP-seq, eCLIP-seq, RNA-seq, DNase-seq, DNA methylation)
– Integrating ENCODE data with those from your lab or other major projects
– Using ENCODE data to interpret human variation, personal genomes, and disease (including cancer) genomes
– Connecting regulatory elements to their target genes across the genome
– Integrative analysis


Registration is only $100 for academic attendees and $250 for non-academic attendees.
This does not include transportation or lodging, but does cover meals.

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