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3rd Danube Conference on Epigenetics
October 9, 2018 - October 12, 2018
The main objectives are to bring scientists together from the fields of epigenetics and promote intensive interdisciplinary interactions facilitated by the medium sized meeting. Therefore the conference program is structured to have a lot of networking opportunity. We expect to have 150 participants including 20 outstanding invited lecturers (please find here the list of confirmed speakers including the IUBMB Keynote speaker). We also plan to select several short talks from the submitted abstracts.
I sincerely hope that you will find this invitation interesting and will decide to participate.
Yours truly,
Tamás Arányi, MD, PhD On behalf of the organizing committee#
Call for Abstracts
Abstracts are awaited in the following topics:
- DNA methylation
- Chromatin structure
- Developmental epigenetics
- Transcription and epigenetics
- Metabolism and epigenetics
- non-coding RNA
Abstracts are also welcome for all other areas of epigenetics as in the previous years.
The abstracts should be prepared according to the following guidelines:
- Title of abstract
- Full name of author(s), (Please write the full name for all co-authors, do not use initials)
- Affiliation of author(s), (Working place, City, Country, e-mail address)
- In case of multiple authors / affiliations, please use index numbers in superscript
- Length of abstract: max 250 words
- MS Word file, Times New Roman font type, 12 pts font size, single line spacing required
- Text files should not contain headers or footers
- Please avoid abbreviations, if used, please elaborate it at the first timeÂ