Game of Epigenomics
April 24, 2016 - April 28, 2016
The ‘Game of Epigenomics’ conference will celebrate the great diversity in the epigenomics field, reflecting both on DNA and protein modifications. The conference will host international and national leaders in the field, covering the spectrum of epigenomic research, presenting data from diverse model systems as well as clinical research and new insights in disease epigenomics. The conference will move from basic epigenetic mechanisms and chromatin structure, epigenomics and epigenomic technologies to clinical and translational epigenetics.
The historic town of Dubrovnik will play host to an Epigenomics conference for the first time. Also, the conference will mark the closure of the InnoMol project, and will enable a final brainstorming of InnoMol partnering institutions, but also give an opportunity for new networking between world class scientists during our Game of Epigenomics.
Thus, we will create an atmosphere with cutting edge science highlighting the latest developments in the epigenomics field, support extensive scientific discussions, and ample possibilities for socializing, networking and also exploring the remarkable surrounds. Picturesque Dubrovnik, host town of the world famous TV show ‘Game of Thrones’ is situated on the very South of Croatia. Surrounded by crystal clear Adriatic sea it is also known as the Pearl of Dalmatia.