Post Doctoral Fellow
December 28, 2018 - January 29, 2019
NIH funded postdoctoral positions are immediately available in the laboratory of Dr. Zhao at the Hospital for Special Surgery affiliated to Weill Medical College of Cornell University in the New York City.
Ongoing studies include identification of novel players and regulatory mechanisms of osteoclast differentiation, osteoblast differentiation and bone remodeling in the physiological and pathological settings in osteoimmunology field, an exciting interdisciplinary research field linking bone biology and immune system. We apply cutting edge cellular and molecular techniques including RNAseq and ChIPseq and use various genetic and disease mouse models to accomplish the study. Relevant publications: Nature Medicine, 15 (9):1066-71, 2009; Journal of Experimental Medicine, 209(2):319-34, 2012; Journal of Clinical Investigation, 124 (11):5057-73, 2014.
We are recruiting postdoctoral candidates who have a recent Ph.D. and strong research interest and expertise in cell biology/signaling, cell differentiation and development, immunology, metabolisms or epigenetics. Candidates with experience in osteoclast, osteoblast, chondrocyte or adipocyte differentiation are preferred. Qualified candidate must have a record of peer reviewed publications and experience working with genetic mutant mice and disease models.  Familiarity with microarray or sequence analysis is highly preferred. High level of motivation, critical thinking and strong troubleshooting ability are expected. Effective communication in English is required. PhD candidates expected graduations are highly encouraged to apply.
Competitive salary and an excellent benefits package (Medical, Dental and Life insurances) are available and will commensurate with experience and accomplishments.
Full applications including curriculum vitae, a brief summary of past, current and future research interests and accomplishments (1-2 paragraphs), selected reprints of publications, three references and expected availability date should be submitted via email to:
Baohong Zhao, DMD, PhD
Assistant ProfessorÂ
Department of Medicine
Weill Medical College of Cornell UniversityÂ
Assistant Scientist
Arthritis and Tissue Degeneration Program