Research Fellow
December 4, 2018 - January 5, 2019
The successful candidate will join the Epigenetic Etiology of Human Disease Laboratory to study the role of DNA epigenetic modifications in human disease. More specifically, he/she will examine how DNA methylating and hydroxymethylating enzymes regulate their respective DNA epigenetic modifications and how these marks regulate expression and genome stability, and interface with other epigenetic modifications. Disease focus area of the laboratory include cancer (hepatocellular and renal), obesity, and diabetes. Specific research areas include application of genome-wide epigenomics methods to decipher DNA methylation/hydroxymethylation defects in cancer and biochemical/cell culture-based techniques to study the regulation and interactions between chromatin remodeling factors (e.g. DNMTs, TETs, HMTases). Techniques commonly used in the laboratory include: quantitative RT-PCR, western blotting, tissue culture, transfections, bisulfite sequencing, pyrosequencing, ChIP-qPCR, ChIP-seq, next-gen library preparation and sequencing, Infinium 450k arrays, bioinformatics analysis, and biochemical analysis of protein function. Experience in one or more of these areas is a plus. The candidate will play a major role in the preparation of manuscripts that arise from this work and devote 100% effort to these tasks (no patient contact or other responsibilities).
A Research Fellow at Mayo Clinic is a temporary position intended to provide training and education in research. Individuals will train in the research program of a Mayo Clinic principal investigator. Qualified individuals will demonstrate the potential for research as evidenced by their training and peer-reviewed publications and should become competitive for national research grants. Proof of English proficiency is required for J-1 Short-Term Scholars, Research Scholars, Professors, Specialists, and Student Interns sponsored by Mayo Clinic. Please attach the following required documents at the time of application.
- Current curriculum vitae and bibliography
- Three letters of recommendation, signed, on letterhead, describing:
- Relationship to the applicant.
- Past work/academic performance.
- Work qualities/personal conduct.
- Overall assessment of potential for success in research environment.
- Doctoral degree certification, if applicable:
- Original or notarized copy of diploma or final transcript issued by school (English translation required).
- Current curriculum vitae and bibliography
Must have a Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent doctoral degree in a field deemed relevant by the program. Research Fellow is appropriate for individuals who have completed no more than one prior postdoctoral fellowship, at Mayo Clinic or elsewhere.