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Research Fellow
November 12, 2018 - December 14, 2018
A postdoctoral fellow position is available immediately in the lab of Dr. Srinivas Vinod Saladi.
With a focus on epigenomics and signaling in squamous cancers, We are seeking highly motivated candidates who graduated recently with background in epigenetics and cancer biology.
The Saladi lab utilizes epigenetic approaches including ChIP-sequencing, ATAC-sequencing and chromosome confirmation capture to understand the epigenetic plasticity in tumors. The mechanism by which altered epigenome contributes to aberrant signaling is of major interest in the lab (Dev Cell 2014, Cancer Cell, 2017, Dev Cell, 2018). Our primary goal is to understand the fundamental mechanisms by which epigenetic plasticity and signaling networks contribute to tumorigenesis. We integrate epigenomic, transcriptomic and proteomic approaches coupled with in vivo and in silico analyses to address these questions.
The fellow will have appointment at Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary (MEEI) and Harvard Medical School (HMS). MEEI, HMS provide rich intellectual and scientific environment and infrastructure to carryout the proposed research and receive training and career development.
The candidate should have strong communication skills and ability to work in a team. Ability to work with mice is preferred.
Interested applicants should email their CV, cover letter and at least three references to SrinivasVinod_Saladi@meei.harvard.edu