Faculty Position in Cancer Biology/Genetics
August 12, 2018 - September 28, 2018
The Life Sciences Institute (LSI) at the University of Michigan invites applications for an open rank faculty position in Cancer Biology/Genetics. Successful candidates will have experience in cancer biology/genetics, with specific research targets related to cancer metabolism, cancer genetics/genomics/epigenetics, chemical biology, tumor microenvironment, or tumor immunology.
Faculty will hold both a Research Professor appointment in the LSI as well as an Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor appointment in one of the University’s schools and colleges. Joint appointments are likely in the Medical School, the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, the College of Engineering, the School of Public Health, the Dental School, or the College of Pharmacy. All faculty are expected to participate in the University of Michigan’s teaching mission and to demonstrate commitment to service in the larger community. Candidates are expected to develop an internationally recognized program of scholarly research and to excel in teaching and mentoring at the graduate level.
The LSI is a scientific enterprise at the University of Michigan dedicated to fundamental discovery in the biological sciences in a state-of-the-art collaborative physical space (www.lsi.umich.edu). Through basic discovery, the institute seeks to advance knowledge in critical areas of biology with an ultimate goal of contributing to human health including cancer, metabolic disorders, brain disorders, and infectious disease.
The LSI is currently home to 22 faculty members in the disciplines of chemistry, cell biology, physiology, genetics, chemical biology, biophysics, structural biology, and stem cell biology, including three Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigators and eight members of the National Academies of Medicine or Sciences. Our culture centers on upholding scientific excellence, embracing risk, and collaborating across disciplines to achieve an impact greater than the sum of our individual parts.
In addition to faculty labs, the institute houses state-of-the-art instrumentation and computing, including the following transmission electron microscopes: 300kV Titan Krios, 200kV Talos Artica, 120kV Tecnai G2 Spirit, and 100vK Morgagni. Additional institute resources include high-throughput screening center with extensive chemical collections and a unique library of natural product extracts, and a comprehensive protein production and X-ray crystallography facility. The LSI is also home to the U-M Program in Chemical Biology.
Application materials are due on Friday, September 28, 2018. Interested applicants will submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a summary of future research plans (up to 4 pages), contact information for three faculty who will write a letter of recommendation, and copies of up to three publications on our online application site (lsi.science/2018facultyposting). Individuals from groups historically under-represented in the sciences are strongly encouraged to apply.