Postdoctoral Training in Molecular Epidemiology
December 12, 2018 - January 13, 2019
The Cancer Epidemiology Program of the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute, Inc. invites applications to its T32 Post-Doctoral Training Program in Molecular Epidemiology of Cancer. This NCI-supported interdisciplinary training program is designed to prepare fellows for careers as independent investigators engaged in cancer epidemiological research that incorporates biomarkers identified at the molecular, biochemical, or -omic level. The two year program combines a specialized curriculum (formal didactic training and one-on-one interactions with mentors) with research experience (participation in funded studies under the guidance of an experienced investigator).
Mentoring will be provided by teams of experienced faculty from a variety of epidemiology-related disciplines, including cancer epidemiology, statistical genetics, cancer genetics, bioinformatics and clinical specialties spanning diverse areas of research interests and cancer sites. Selected research interests of faculty in Cancer Epidemiology include:
- Development of quantitative imaging models to improve risk prediction and reduce over-diagnosis of lung cancer
- Environmental and genetic risk factors of melanoma and familial melanoma
- Epidemiologic, molecular biomarker, and radiologic approaches to impact pancreatic cancer and its precursor lesions
- Genetic, viral, and nutritional risk factors of primary brain tumor glioma
- Genetic and epigenetic biomarkers associated with risk and progression of prostate cancer
- Integrative molecular epidemiology approaches to dissect the function of cancer susceptibility loci identified by GWAS
- Interplay of cutaneous malignancies with cutaneous viral infections, UV radiation exposure and immune function
- Life course approaches to evaluate epidemiologic exposures affecting ovarian cancer development and progression
- HPV natural history and clinical trials for the prevention of HPV-related cancers
Applicants must have a terminal degree in epidemiology, nursing, public health, medicine or related discipline. We expect that most candidates will have some previous training in epidemiology and/or biostatistics. Stipends and benefits are highly competitive. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until our open positions for the 2018-19 academic year is filled. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents. Individuals on temporary visas are not eligible.
Visit our website www.moffitt.org/CancerEpidemio… for information on
applying and application materials. Email a completed application packet to