Postdoctoral Fellow
September 19, 2018 - October 20, 2018
A post-doctoral position is available in Dr. Carol J. Thiele’s laboratory in the Cell & Molecular Biology Section in the Pediatric Oncology Branch at the NCI to study mechanisms of epigenetic dysregulation in pediatric neuroectodermal tumors. The broad goal of the laboratory is to study mechanisms of differentiation and how they are dysregulated in embryonal cancers with an eye towards developing novel therapeutic strategies based on an understanding of tumor biology. We use state-of-the-art screening strategies to identify key regulators of growth and differentiation. Current projects are mechanisms of regulation of EZH2 in neuroblastoma, mESC reprogramming by tumor suppressors, mechanisms of retinoid regulation of superenhancers, regulation of tumor cell plasticity and mechanisms of epigenetic dysregulation in pediatric tumors.
The successful candidate should have a PhD in genetics/molecular biology/biochemistry/cell biology with less than 2 years of post-doctoral experience. Individuals with a strong background in molecular biology and experience in chromatin biology are encouraged to apply. Experience in genome-wide assays, bioinformatics or deep sequencing is an additional asset. Qualified candidates should have strong communication skills, and a demonstrated record of scientific achievement through peer-reviewed publications. Successful, well-motivated candidates will join a multi-disciplinary team of researchers working in a basic/clinical translation environment.
Interested individuals should send a statement of research interests, a curriculum vitae and bibliography and 3 letters of recommendation to Carol Thiele.