Staff Scientist, Immunologist
December 9, 2018 - January 10, 2019
A staff scientist position is available immediately at the Mucosal Immunology Section (MIS), National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), National Institutes of Health (NIH), for a highly experience immunologist to study at least one of the topics below and train and supervise junior postdoctoral fellows.
The projects in the MIS include a) molecular, epigenetic and metabolic mechanisms of TGF-b regulation of T and B cells; b), mechanisms of TGF-b regulation of innate immune cells including macrophages, neutrophils, innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) and NK cells; c), gut microbiota and immune cells in immunity, metabolism and diseases; d), effects and mechanisms of cells death and phagocytosis in immune responses and tolerance; e), influence and regulation of immune system to neuron function; and f) understanding and manipulation of regulatory T cells and TGF-b for developing immunotherapy to autoimmune diseases and cancer in experimental and translational settings; Interested fellows can participate in the study of any of these topics.
Eligible candidates must have a Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent doctoral degree in immunology, biochemistry or molecular and cell biology. The position will require at least 5 years of experience in immunology and excellent publication record with expertise in at least one of the following areas: TGF-b signaling, epigenetics, single cell RNA-seq analysis, metabolism, creation of conditional gene-knockout mice and experimental cancer models. The experience on human immune cells is a plus, but not required. The candidate is also expected to show ability and experience to train and supervise junior fellows.
Salary is commensurate with education and research experience. A full benefits package is available, including retirement, health insurance, life insurance, annual and sick leave, and Thrift Savings Plan (401k equivalent).
To Apply:
Please send cover letter, curriculum vitae, bibliography, and statement of research interest and list of 3 references to:
WanJun Chen, MD
Senior Investigator
Chief, Mucosal Immunology Section
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Institute
National Institutes of Health
30 Convent Dr. Bethesda, MD 20892
Email: wchen@mail.nih.gov