Postdoctoral Fellow
June 1, 2017 - July 1, 2017
Helps design and conduct research within a specified field while receiving advanced training from a designated Principal Investigator to enhance professional skills and research independence needed for pursuit of a career. The specific area of research in which the trainee is mentored is determined by the department and laboratory of the Postdoc. Designs and evaluates experiments. Develops new ideas that promote current research. Prepares and publishes scientific manuscripts under the direction of the Principal Investigator. May be responsible for operation of specific equipment. May teach techniques to others, train, and supervise research staff. Positions are temporary appointments as a research trainee. The initial appointment is for one year, renewal expected if progress is satisfactory and funds are available. Appointments cannot exceed five years.
A doctoral degree or equivalent (Ph.D., M.D., ScD., D.V.M., DDS etc) in an appropriate field. Excellent scientific writing ability and strong oral communication skills. The ability to work effectively and collegially with colleagues. Additional qualifications as specified by the Principal Investigator.
Required Qualifications:
A doctoral degree or equivalent (Ph.D., M.D., ScD., D.V.M., DDS etc) in. in Environmental Health, Toxicology, Epidemiology, Genomics/Bioinformatics, Statistics/Biostatistics, or other relevant disciplines. Strong quantitative skills are necessary. Specific experiences in using the R programming environment, and in working with genome-scale DNA methylation or other genomics data is required, and experiences in laboratory-based molecular assessment and in the use of bioinformatic databases and platforms is desirable. In addition, candidates should have excellent scientific writing and strong oral communications skills, as well as the ability to work effectively, collaboratively, and collegially with colleagues.
Additional Job Details:
The Laboratory of Environmental Genomics, in the Department of Environmental Health (www.sph.emory.edu/eh) at the Rollins School of Public Health of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia (PI: Carmen Marsit) invites highly qualified and motivated applicants to a Postdoctoral Fellow position in environmental epigenomics. The laboratory is currently investigating the influence of the environment on the human epigenome and the health ramification of these alterations. Projects in the lab focus on studies of children’s environmental health as well as on human cancer.
The postdoctoral fellow will help design and conduct research in the field of environmental genomics and epigenomics. Specifically, the fellow will work on research projects focused on the collection, analysis and interpretation of genome-wide epigenetic data including DNA methylation, imprinted gene expression, and miRNA expression, obtained in epidemiologic investigations and/or from experimental studies. The fellow will be encouraged to develop new ideas that promote current research, and will be required to prepare and publish scientific manuscripts under the direction of the Principal Investigator. The fellow will also be involved in the teaching and training of others, including students and research staff. Opportunities for the associate to apply for independent funding will be available and encouraged.
The laboratory is part of the Emory HERCULES Center for Exposome Research and the Winship Cancer Center at Emory, and participates in multiple NIEHS Children’s Environmental Health Centers as well as in a number of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) related projects. The resources and collaborators in these programs will also be available to the postdoctoral associate.
This position involves:
Involve working with human blood, body fluids, tissues, or other potentially infectious materials.