Ruth L- Kirschstein National Research service F30 Award
April 8, 2016
The NCI Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research service F30 Award supports promising doctoral candidates who will perform dissertation research and training for an MD/PhD degree in a scientific health-related field relevant to the mission of the NCI during the tenure of the award. Applicants for the F30 must be within 48 months of matriculation into an accredited MD/PhD program at the time of application.
NCI requires a clear cancer focus in graduate research training and gives funding priority to applications whose primary sponsor has cancer-related R01 or R01-like, peer-reviewed research grants at the time of application and the time of the award. For the NCI F30 Award, R01-like research funding includes peer-reviewed research grants from other federal sources and private foundations with a duration of at least 3 years with a minimum of $150,000 direct costs per year. The primary sponsor is expected to maintain such grant support during the project period. Grants under a no-cost extension do not qualify.
Reminder to NCI Fellowship grantees: Changes in the Project
Individual fellowship awards are made for training at a specific institution under the guidance of a particular sponsor. Prior approval by NCI is required for a transfer of the award to another institution, a change in sponsor, or a significant project change. If the primary sponsor plans to be absent for a continuous period of more than 3 months, an interim sponsor must be named by the institution and approved in writing by NCI.