Bioinformatics Analyst
August 8, 2018 - September 9, 2018
The Van Andel Research Institute has a position available for one Bioinformatics Analyst under the shared direction of Peter W. Laird, Ph.D and/or Hui Shen, Ph.D. Depending on the interests and expertise of the successful candidate, the position can be a sole appointment in either the Laird or Shen laboratory, or a joint appointment between the two labs.
The Laird Laboratory focuses on the role of epigenetics in cancer, combining mechanistic studies in model systems, analysis of human cancer tissues, advanced technology development, and epigenomic data analysis.
The Shen Laboratory focuses on the epigenome and its interaction with the genome in various diseases, with a specific emphasis on female cancers and cross-cancer comparisons relying on innovative computational tool development and epigenomic data analysis.
As a Bioinformatics Analyst on our team, your first and foremost responsibility will be to work closely with lab members on the analysis of next-generation sequencing data. Additional responsibilities might include:
- Maintain and support bioinformatics software.
- Assist research faculty in data mining of publicly available data sets.
- Analyze data through established workflows and pipelines.
- Engage in bioinformatics literature to ensure the availability of robust methods, resources, and data sources to support core users.
- Making figures for manuscripts
- Direct and guide DNA, RNA and protein sequence database searches and the computational analysis of resulting data.
- Maintain computational infrastructure and control the flow of samples and information for large-scale studies.
- Recognize and report problems with the data management process and fix problems whenever possible.
This position is available immediately for a motivated scientist who meets the qualifications and description outlined below.
- Bachelor’s degree in bioinformatics, computational and systems biology, mathematical, physical, or computer science with a Master of Science (MS) preferred. 2+ years of experience in computer programming and computational biological applications.
- Experience in such functional areas as image analysis, NGS data analysis, and data integration. Understanding of cellular and molecular biology and/or genetics is a plus.
- 1-3 years of experience in a scripting language (Python, Perl, etc.). A working knowledge of R is expected. Working knowledge of public biological databases (NCBI, ENCODE, ENSEMBL, UCSC, etc.).
- Contributions to the broader bioinformatics community through software and methods development.
- Must provide the names of three individuals who can provide recommendations and present a scientific seminar describing his or her previous research.
Description of a Successful Candidate:
- A “team” focused scientist
- A self-motivated and driven individual who is able to exhibit exceptional research productivity and take responsibility for independent management of the project
- A detail-oriented researcher who thinks critically to effectively design experiments and solve complex research problems
- A strong ability to take initiative and work independently
- A collaborative, hands-on researcher who proactively shares knowledge and expertise with lab members and has an interest in helping junior lab members
- Excellent written and oral communication skills
If you possess these attributes and enjoy working with motivated and driven people, we would welcome speaking with you and encourage you to apply today!
- A cover letter describing your research interests, experience, and how you might contribute to Laird Lab Research.
- An up-to-date Curriculum Vitae.
- A list of 3 individuals who have agreed to act as references along with their contact details.
Please contact Eric Miller (eric.miller@vai.org) for further information or questions, or if you have any difficulty with the application process.