Associate/Full Professor – Human and Molecular Genetics
November 18, 2017 - December 31, 2017
Under the leadership of Dr. Paul B. Fisher the Department of Human and Molecular Genetics (HMG) in the School of Medicine (SOM) at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), and the VCU Institute of Molecular Medicine (VIMM), in collaboration with the VCU Massey Cancer Center (MCC) in Richmond, Virginia seeks to recruit seasoned investigators doing cutting edge science on the mechanistic understanding of cancer development and progression, tumor latency and invasion, using immunotherapy, epigenetic, cell signaling, small molecule inhibitors, or other approaches. Research that employs current genomic discoveries in medicine, and which has translational potential to improve diagnosis and develop cancer therapeutics, is a high priority of this institutional initiative.
The ideal candidates will be experienced investigators who have demonstrated consistent research excellence, with a sustained track record of research funding, high-level publications and administrative experience (important but optional). We are particularly interested in candidates that have managed multifaceted, interactive research programs using hypothesis-based, innovative approaches to address important health-related areas. Applicants with a sustained record of NIH funding will be given the highest priority. Applicants must have demonstrated experience working in and fostering a diverse faculty, staff, and student environment or commitment to do so as a faculty member at VCU. The appropriate candidates will be recruited at the level of Associate/Full Professor with qualifications commensurate with tenure. These individuals will play a major role in VCU SOM and the appropriate candidate could hold a senior administrative position in HMG and serve as the Associate Scientific Director of the VIMM. Additionally, the appropriate recruit could serve as a Co-Program leader or Associate Director in the MCC, a National Cancer Institute-designated cancer center.
HMG, VIMM, MCC, VCU SOM and VCU provide an interactive and collaborative research and educational environment that facilitates the training of the next generation of research scientists, clinicians and academicians, and provides a direct conduit for the effective translation of genetic information from bench-to-bedside. Outstanding state-of-the-art core research facilities with a generous start-up and support package are available for the qualified candidate.
Richmond, VA provides ideal urban or suburban living, and an excellent cultural environment with affordable housing, outstanding school systems and ready access to other metropolitan areas (including Washington DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York). Moreover, the City of Richmond and surrounding areas offer a diverse and rich cultural heritage that engenders a high quality of living for its residents.
Interested candidates must apply online at http://www.vcujobs.com by providing a letter of interest, a curriculum vitae, an outline of research interests and future research directions, and contact information for three references. Please direct inquiries to Dr. Joyce Lloyd, Chair of the Search Committee (Joyce.Lloyd@vcuhealth.org) or 804-628-2182.
Review of Applications will begin in November 2017Â and will continue until the positions are filled.