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Postdoctoral Fellowships
June 14, 2018 - July 15, 2018
Post-Doctoral Fellow positions are available for ambitious and productive applicants in the laboratory of Dr. Rugang Zhang. The lab investigates novel intervention strategies for unmet clinical needs in ovarian cancer and the role of cellular senescence in cancer or tissue aging. The applicant(s) will work in a dynamic scientific environment and has ample opportunities for interactions with leading investigators in ovarian cancer, epigenetics or cellular senescence through programmatic funding mechanisms. Applicants should have strong background in one or more of the following disciplines: biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology, genome-wide approaches to cancer, animal models of human cancers or aging, or bioinformatics.
Candidates should have a PhD (or equivalent) degree or should be close to obtaining their doctoral degree. Candidates committed to an academic career are preferred. Curriculum Vitae and three references should be sent to: Rugang Zhang, Ph.D. The Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, PA 19104. Email: rzhang@wistar.org. Website: https://wistar.org/our-scientists/rugang-zhang