We provide here links to country-specific advocacy and support groups in the American continent that may in certain instances better cater to the needs of local patients than international organizations. Whenever an association publicizes its services in a language other than English, we also include an English summary of their services that may be useful to English-speaking visitors or residents. Associations and support groups listed here have been selected because they state to provide practical, mostly free-of-charge help to cancer patients and their families. However, it is important to note that none of the associations listed here are affiliated in any way with the Cancer Epigenetics Society, nor does their listing here constitute and endorsement by the Cancer Epigenetics Society. Please also note that all information herein was current at the time of its entry, and this may still or not be the case. Please take the time to verify any information provided here directly on the cancer charity of interest webpages at the time of your visit. You may access any of these resources by clicking on the name of the association. You may also jump directly to the country of interest by clicking on the corresponding flag.

Similarly to all other resources provided by the Cancer Epigenetics Society, please visit us often as we keep adding more entries to this page. Please do write to us at info@ces.b2sg.org under the Subject line: Advocacy & Support Groups, should you think that a cancer advocacy or support group would be useful to list here.

This resource would not have been possible without the work and dedication of many people. In particular, the Cancer Epigenetics Society is deeply grateful to Dr. Jozef Ban, Daria Biryukova, Cristina Oliveira Bousbaa, Sara Bousbaa, Dr. Argyro (Iro) Fourtouna, Mehmet Gökgöz, Dr. Isabelle Herbauts, Isabella Hübscher, Raquel Judith Martinez, Prof. Francine Mawet, Andrea Neudolt, Mahmut Orucoglu, Petya Penelova, Patricija Rajšp, Silvia Vargas, and Simona Winkler. With our heartfelt thanks and appreciation!

We hope you find these resources helpful.
The Patients’ Advocacy & Support Team,
The Cancer Epigenetics Society


Costa Rica


Cleaning for a Reason: is a nonprofit organization that offers free household cleaning for cancer patients in Canada that cannot afford to pay for cleaning services. Operating since 2006 in partnership with 1,200 maid services, Cleaning for a reason has to date helped more than 21,000 cancer patients.

Costa Rica

Asociación de la lucha contra el Cancer infantil: es una organización de bien social y sin fines de lucro. Apoya en la compra de equipo médico y tratamiento para el cancer en niños. La asociación también brinda ayuda económica a familiares de niños con cancer (hospedaje, alimentación, transporte) que son tratados en el Hospital Nacional de Niños, también hacen actividades recreativas para mejorar la calidad de vida de los pequeños (Association Against Childhood Cancer is a nonprofit organization that contributes to the purchase of medical equipment and to the cost of treatments of children with cancer. The association also provides financial assistance to families of children with cancer (for food, lodging, transportation) that are treated at the National Children’s Hospital in San José, Costa Rica, and offer recreational activities to improve the quality of life of children with cancer).

Asociación proyecto Daniel: es una organización costarricense sin fines de lucro creada para ayudar a jóvenes con Cancer, fue creada por un joven llamado Daniel Arce quién fue diagnosticado de Cancer a los 13 años, dejando de legado esta asociación. Esta asociación ayuda con apoyo emocional a jóvenes con Cancer y a sus familiares, también brinda ayuda socioeconómica a jóvenes de escasos recursos. Esta asociación se encarga de darle una buena calidad de vida a adolescentes, por medio de actividades culturales y deportivas que los hagan sentirse bien y felices (Daniel Project Association is a nonprofit organization in Costa Rica created by Daniel Arce, himself diagnosed with cancer at the age of 13, that helps teens with cancer. The association provides emotional support to the young cancer patients and their families, in addition to socio-economic assistance to low-income families affected by cancer. The association also works on improving the quality of life of the young cancer patients, through both cultural and sporting activities).

Fundación Nacional de Solidaridad Contra el Cáncer de Mama: esta fundación autónoma está constituida solamente por voluntarias y enfoca su labor en tres importantes pilares: por medio de charlas e información, luchan por la prevención y la educación sobre el cáncer de mama. Adicionalmente, se encargan de promover la detección temprana del cáncer, solicitan una contribución voluntaria y de esa manera ofrecen servicios de mamografías a precios más bajos que los que hay en el mercado. Por último ayudan a la recuperación integral de las afectadas, brindan apoyo emocional visitando a las operadas en el hospital, también ofrecer terapia física a las personas que lo necesitan y para ayudar emocionalmente a las pacientes alquilan turbantes y pelucas (National Foundation for Solidarity Against Breast Cancer: is a nonprofit organization run solely by volunteers that conducts breast cancer prevention campaigns and promotes the early detection of breast cancer by offering mammographies at reduced costs. The association also provides emotional support to hospitalized breast cancer patients, offers physical therapy to all breast cancer patients in need, and provides financial assistance to offset some of the costs of renting scarfs and wigs).


Jóvenes contra el cáncer Fundación: la fundación ofrece apoyo psicológico gratuito e inmediato a cualquier paciente de cáncer, sin importar la edad; al mismo tiempo la fundación trabaja con diferentes redes de apoyo que proveen el tratamiento adecuado para cada paciente (the Youth Against Cancer Foundation is a nonprofit organization that advocates for youngsters suffering from cancer. It offers free psychological support to the young cancer patients, and works with support networks that provide free medical treatment to cancer patients. The foundation also offers financial aid to families in need that have a child with cancer, and for those who live in Quito, the foundation provides a recreational area with a library, internet access, music, a cafeteria, and a game room).


Movicáncer Fundación: trabaja con un gran equipo de profesionales especializados en el tratamiento preventivo y temprano de cáncer. Provee educación y exámenes preventivos gratuitos a cualquier persona que presente riesgo de padecer cáncer o paciente diagnosticado en la etapa temprana de la enfermedad (the Movicancer Foundation works with a team of specialized professionals to provide cancer prevention and treatment awareness for the early diagnosis and treatment of cancer in Nicaragua. The foundation also promotes the active participation of volunteers and cancer survivors to help reduce cancer-associated mortality and for better cancer management).

Perú (Peru)

La Fundación Peruana de Cáncer ofrece asistencia social a pacientes de cáncer y a sus familias, provenientes de diferentes partes de Perú, se les ofrece hospedaje, alimentación and apoyo psicológico, a quienes no pueden cubrir sus propios gastos de viajes y acceso a tratamiento, en la capital (the Peruvian Cancer Foundation is a nonprofit organization founded in 1960 by Frieda Heller to offer social assistance to cancer patients and their families, anywhere in Peru. The foundation offers shelter, food, and psychological support to all cancer patients that cannot cover their own travel expenses to Lima for cancer diagnosis or treatment purposes).

Perú-Ministerio de Salud Plan esperanza: Plan esperanza es una organización que ofrece tratamiento gratuito a personas con padecimiento de cáncer. Plan esperanza ofrece diferentes servicios relacionados con la detección temprano de cáncer, prevención y tratamiento de cáncer (Peru Health Ministry Hope Plan is a Peruvian governmental program that offers free treatment to those diagnosed with cancer, making the latest and most advanced cancer care accessible to all cancer patients. The Hope Plan also offers free cancer detection and prevention programs).


Cancer Services: assists cancer patients and their families in the Erie County (OH, USA) both emotionally and financially. In particular, Cancer Services helps eligible cancer patients cover the costs of prescription cancer drugs, transportation or travel to medical appointments, and provides free medical supplies and equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers, and electric beds to cancer patients.

Corporate Angel Network: is a charitable organization that helps cancer patients access the best possible treatment for their specific type of cancer by arranging free travel to treatment across the US, using empty seats on corporate jets.

Chemo Angels: founded by Laura Armstrong, this volunteer-run support group offers emotional and moral support to those diagnosed with cancer and undergoing chemotherapy. Chemo Angels accompany cancer patients throughout their treatment, making sure that cancer patients remain focused and in good spirit, and to let them know they are not alone in their fight against cancer.

Cleaning for a Reason: is a nonprofit organization that offers free household cleaning for cancer patients in the US that cannot afford to pay for cleaning services. Operating since 2006 in partnership with 1,200 maid services, Cleaning for a reason has to date helped more than 21,000 cancer patients.

Good Wishes: is a charitable organization founded by Laurie Erickson that tries to help alleviate the anxiety of losing one’s hair that some cancer patients experience after chemotherapy. The organization makes personalized beautiful head scarfs and wraps free of charge that are shipped to cancer patients in and outside of the US. To date, the organization has gifted more than 50,000 good-wishes scarfs and wraps.

Heavenly Hats: is a charitable organization founded by a teenager, Anthony Leanna, who now serves in the United States Coast Guard. The charity donates brand new hats to cancer patients who have lost their hair. While the charity operates mainly in the US, it also ships hats to cancer patients outside of the US upon request. To date, the foundations has gifted nearly 3 million hats to cancer patients.

Hope Flight Foundation: this association provides free air transportation in California, Nevada, and Oregon to children who need medical treatment for cancer and other life-threatening illnesses.

Little Pink Houses of Hope: offers breast cancer patients and their families a vacation free of charge at different beaches in the US. Previous locations included Carolina Beach, Hatteras island, Emerald Isle and Oak Island in North Carolina, Myrtle Beach in South Carolina, Key West in Florida, and Lake Tahoe in California. The week-long vacations are offered to all people with breast cancer, independently of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, geographic location, or spiritual believes. In addition to the relaxing environment, the vacation provides breast cancer patients and their families the opportunity to connect with other families living similar circumstances.

Locks of Love: the association gifts wigs made of donated real hair to financially disadvantaged children and young adults aged 6 to 21 in the US and Canada who have lost their hair due to cancer. The wigs are custom-made vacuum-fit hair prosthetics made to fit the young cancer patients.

The Lydia Project: provides free support to women diagnosed with cancer. This includes gifting handmade designer totes filled with small gifts to cancer patients in all of the US, and providing financial help to cancer patients who are unable to pay for certain necessities such rent, utilities, and prescription medicine in several counties in Georgia and South Carolina.

Mesothelioma Guide: aims at restoring hope to mesothelioma patients and their families, and guides mesothelioma patients toward answers, care options, and free health solutions that improve their lives.

Mesothelioma dot net is a leading online resource providing detailed information on mesothelioma cancer. Visit their site to learn more about the connection between asbestos and cancer.

Partnership for Prescription Assistance: offers several free services to qualifying cancer patients that are uninsured or underinsured in the US. Services include helping cancer patients access some 2,500 prescription medicines at reduced-cost or for free, connecting cancer patients to private and public patient assistance programs, and providing information to cancer patients on free health clinics throughout the US.

Pink-Link: is a cost-free social network for women with breast cancer providing cancer patients and survivors a much needed network of support and information. The network allows breast cancer patients to connect with other cancer survivors with similar diagnoses and who have undergone a similar treatment. It helps foster a sense of kinship among cancer patients, which in turn instills resilience and strength in the face of cancer

SeriousFun Children’s Network: are camps for children with serious illnesses including cancer. The network offers children in the US affected by cancer recreational camps located in Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, and Ohio. The camps offer a fun camping experience that is as inclusive and accessible to as many children as possible. All services provided to the young cancer patients and their families are completely free of charge.

Stupid Cancer: aims at supporting and helping the 15 to 39 year-olds diagnosed with cancer. The charity does so by providing young adult cancer online resources, annual conferences, radio podcasts, annual congresses, and several social media platforms to help improve outcomes for young adult cancer patients.

Wigs for Kids: helps children with cancer who have lost their hair after chemotherapy or radiation therapy regain their appearance and at the same time their confidence by providing them with custom-made hair replacement prostheses made of donated real hair. The wigs are made to match the young cancer patient’s natural hair and do not come off as the child does sports or plays in the playground.

Yoga Bear: nonprofit organization that provides free online yoga videos intended at helping cancer patients strengthen their bodies and by the same go their fight against cancer. The charity also provides listings of yoga studios that offer yoga classes for free or at a reduced cost to cancer patients in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, and Washington.