We provide here links to country-specific cancer advocacy and support groups in Asia that may in certain instances better cater to the needs of local patients than international organizations. Whenever an association publicizes its services in a language other than English, we also include an English summary of their services that may be useful to English-speaking visitors or residents. Cancer associations and support groups listed here have been selected because they state to provide practical, free-of-charge help to cancer patients and their families. However, it is important to note that none of the associations herein are affiliated in any way with the Cancer Epigenetics Society, nor does their listing here constitute and endorsement by the Cancer Epigenetics Society. Please also note that all information herein was current at the time of its entry, and this may still or not be the case. Please take the time to verify any information provided here directly on the cancer charity of interest webpages at the time of your visit. You may access any of these resources by clicking on the name of the association. You may also jump directly to the country of interest by clicking on the corresponding flag.
Similarly to all other resources provided by the Cancer Epigenetics Society, please visit us often as we keep adding more entries to this page. Please do write to us at info@ces.b2sg.org under the Subject line: Advocacy & Support Groups, should you think that a cancer advocacy or support group would be useful to list here. Finally, we do our best to select only groups and associations that offer free services, please report to us if this is not the case for any of the associations listed here.
This resource would not have been possible without the work and dedication of many volunteers. In particular, the Cancer Epigenetics Society is deeply grateful to Dr. Jozef Ban, Daria Biryukova, Cristina Oliveira Bousbaa, Sara Bousbaa, Dr. Argyro (Iro) Fourtouna, Mehmet Gökgöz, Dr. Isabelle Herbauts, Isabella Hübscher, Raquel Judith Martinez, Prof. Francine Mawet, Andrea Neudolt, Mahmut Orucoglu, Petya Penelova, Patricija Rajšp, Silvia Vargas, and Simona Winkler; with our heartfelt thanks and appreciation!
Kanser Hastalarına Yardım Derneği: daha iyi bir kanser tedavisi amaci ile Kuzey Kibris Cumhuriyeti kanser hastalari na destek icin gögüs kanseri bir bayan hasta tarafindan kurulmustur. Dernek kanser hastasi cocuklar icin cesitli kanseri önleme seminerleri, geziler, turlar ve dogum günü partileri düzenlemektedir. Buna ilaveten bu organizasyon Kuzey Kibris Cumhuriyeti nin baskenti Lefkose de bulunan Umut Egitim ve Kültür evini “Hope” isletmektedir. Bu ev kanser hastasi cocuklara ve genclere hem müzik kabiliyetlerine destek verme amaci ile müzik enstrümanlari ve ustaca kullanim olanagi vermek icin, hem de bu hasta cocuklarin bir an icinde olsa kanser hastaligini güvenli bir ortamda unutturmak icin faaliyet göstermektedir (Help Those With Cancer Association was founded by a breast cancer patient survivor to advocate for better cancer treatment and to provide support to cancer patients in Cyprus. The association organizes several cancer prevention seminars, trips overseas, vacations, and birthday parties for children with cancer. In addition, the association makes the “Hope” Education and Culture Center “Umut Eğitim Ve Kültür Evi” in Lefkoşa, Cyprus, available to children and teens affected by cancer, along with musical instruments and a competent staff, to help them express their artistic talent and forget for a moment their illness in a safe environment).
Россия (Russia)
Благотворительный Фонд Константина Хабенского: занимается организацией помощи детям с онкологическими заболеваниями головного мозга. Фонд помогает в закупке лекарств от рака, в организации программ по реабилитации, а также информирует родителей о ранней диагностике и лечении рака. Одна из программ фонда направлена на улучшение психологического состояния больных и проходящих реабилитацию детей, социальную адаптацию и налаживание внутрисемейных отношений (Charity Foundation Konstantin Khabensky organizes care for children with brain cancer. The foundation helps in the purchase of cancer medicines, cancer rehabilitation programs, and informing parents on early cancer diagnosis and treatment. One of the foundation’s programs is to improve the psychological condition of children undergoing cancer rehabilitation, as well as their social reinsertion).
Российский фонд (Русфонд): оказывает финансовую и юридическую помощь детям и семьям с серьезными заболеваниями. Серьезная поддержка оказывается многодетным и приемным семьям, взрослым инвалидам в России. Русфонд сотрудничает с рядом клиник и институтов, специализирующихся на лечении онкологических заболеваний у детей. Особенно плодотворное и эффективное взаимодействие налажено с НИИ детской онкологии, гематологии и трансплантологии имени Р.М. Горбачевой (The Russian Fund helps families of seriously ill children that are in financial need pay for medical treatment and legal assistance in Russia. Particular support and priority is given to patients from large or foster families and to disabled adults in Russia. The Russian Fund cooperates with several clinics and institutes that specialize in the treatment of cancer in children. In particular, the fund works in close collaboration with the R.M. Gorbacheva Research Institute of Pediatric Oncology, Hematology, and Transplantology).
Türkiye (Turkey)
Kanser Savaşçıları: Türkiye’de ki kanser hastalarinin kansere karsi savasinda fiziksel ve psikolojik yardim amaci ile kurulmus bir organizasyondur. Bu organizasyon cocuklara kanser hastasi ebeveynleri veya kardesleri ile dogru iletisim kurmalari icin destek olarak download edilebilir bir brosür de sunmaktadir. Ayrica bu organizasyon kanser teshisine karsi nasil tavir takinilir, kanser tedavisi, sigara nasil birakilir gibi hususlarda yararli destekler vermektedir (Cancer Fighters is an association dedicated to helping cancer patients in Turkey fight cancer, both physically and emotionally. It also offers families a downloadable booklet that can help children better cope with a parent’s or sibling’s cancer. The association also offers helpful advice on how to deal with cancer diagnosis, cancer treatment, how to stop smoking, how to incorporate physical exercise in one’s treatments, and answers many of the questions that cancer patients may have).
Kemal Saraçoğlu Vakfı: organizasyonu türk kanser hastalarina ve özellikle cocuk kanser hastalarina yardimi hedeflemektedir. Organizasyon kanser hastasi cocuklar icin el isi, seramik atölyesi, dans, tiyatro ve sanat terapisi gibi hasta gözetimi altinda aktiviteler düzenlemektedir. Bu organizasyon okula gidemeyen kanser hastasi cocuklar icin de gönüllü ev egitimi programlari üstünde calisma yapmaktadir (Kemal Saracoglu Foundation aims at helping Turkish cancer patients, particularly children. The foundation offers various supervised activities for children with cancer, such as handcraft and ceramics ateliers, dance, theater, and art therapy. The foundation also provides volunteer-based home teaching programs for children with cancer that cannot attend school).
Psiko-Onkoloji Derneği: kurumu Istanbul’da ki kanser hastalarina psikolojik ilgi, gözetim saglayan bir iyilik ve yardim (charity) kurumudur. Organizasyon kanser hastalarinin aile bireylerine danismanlik hizmeti, enformasyon verme gibi islevlerinin disinda kanser hastasi bakicilarina bakicilarin kanser hastalarini iyilestirmedeki etkisi ve degeri hakkinda destek vermektedir (The Psycho-Oncology Society is a charity that offers free-of-charge psychological assistance to cancer patients in Istanbul. The society also provides information and counseling sessions to cancer patient family members, and particular support to cancer patient caregivers as to improve the outcome for the cancer patient).