We provide here links to country-specific cancer advocacy and support groups in Europe that may in certain instances better cater to the needs of local patients than international organizations. Whenever a cancer association publicizes its services in a language other than English, we also include an English summary of their services that may be useful to English-speaking visitors or residents. Associations and support groups listed here have been selected because they state to provide practical, free-of-charge help to cancer patients and their families. However, it is important to note that none of the associations herein are affiliated in any way with the Cancer Epigenetics Society, nor does their listing here constitute and endorsement by the Cancer Epigenetics Society. Please also note that all information herein was current at the time of its entry, and this may still or not be the case. Please take the time to verify any information provided here directly on the cancer charity of interest webpages at the time of your visit. You may access any of these resources by clicking on the name of the association. You may also jump directly to the country of interest by clicking on the corresponding flag.

Similarly to all other resources provided by the Cancer Epigenetics Society, please visit us often as we keep adding more entries to this page. Please do write to us at info@ces.b2sg.org under the Subject line: Advocacy & Support Groups, should you think that a cancer advocacy or support group would be useful to list here. Finally, we do our best to select only groups and associations that offer free services, please report to us if this is not the case for any of the associations listed here.

This resource would not have been possible without the work and dedication of many volunteers. In particular, the Cancer Epigenetics Society is deeply grateful to Dr. Jozef Ban, Daria Biryukova, Cristina Oliveira Bousbaa, Sara Bousbaa, Dr. Argyro (Iro) Fourtouna, Mehmet Gökgöz, Dr. Isabelle Herbauts, Isabella Hübscher, Raquel Judith Martinez, Prof. Francine Mawet, Andrea Neudolt, Mahmut Orucoglu, Petya Penelova, Patricija Rajšp, Silvia Vargas, and Simona Winkler; with our heartfelt thanks and appreciation!

We hope you find these resources helpful.
The Patients’ Advocacy & Support Team,
The Cancer Epigenetics Society

Österreich (Austria)

Emotion: Gegründet vom ehemaligen Profi-Fußballer Jürgen Müller, der selbst an Krebs erkrankte, bietet der Verein kostenlose Aufenthalte auf einem Erlebnishof mit Schwimmteich, Spielplatz, Spielzimmer und Leseraum an. Die Betreuung erfolgt durch ausgebildete PädagogInnen. Besondere Angebote beinhalten Waldwanderungen im Sommer oder Schneemannbauen und Weihnachtskekserl backen im Winter. Zusätzlich bietet Emotion auch individuelle Programmgestaltungen und Küche für Kinder mit speziellen Ernährungsbedürfnissen an (founded by Jürgen Müller, a former professional football player who also was a cancer patient, this organization helps children suffering from cancer and their families to recover after a long hospitalization by organizing several free of charge fun holidays at an adventure farm. The latter comes equipped with a swimming pond, play and reading rooms, and more. Activities for the young cancer patients include special programs such as nature hikes in the summer, building snowmen, or backing Christmas cookies in the winter).

Früh erkennen: Dieses österreichische Brustkrebs-Früherkennungsprogramm ist für gesunde Frauen ohne Beschwerden und ohne Anzeichen einer Brustkrebserkrankung gedacht. Das Programm bietet Frauen ab 40 alle zwei Jahre eine kostenlose Früherkennungsmammografie (Early detection: offers an Austrian breast cancer screening program intended for healthy women without symptoms and with no evidence of breast cancer. The program offers free of charge screening mammographies every two years to all women over 40).

Mamma Mia: bietet sowohl Hilfe und Rat, als auch Vermittlung und Beratung hinsichtlich psychologischer und medizinischer Hilfe für Brustkrebs-betroffene Frauen in Österreich. Bietet auch finanzielle bzw. materielle Unterstützung für in wirtschaftliche Not geratene Betroffene an, zB um Kosten für Ausgaben für die Kinderbetreuung oder Tagesmutter, Hilfe im Haushalt oder Pflegehilfe zu decken, und übernimmt Honorare für die Psychotherapie (offers medical and psychological advice and help to women afflicted with breast cancer in Austria. Also provides financial and practical support to breast cancer patients in financial difficulty, for example to cover the costs of childcare, household cleaning or home nursing, as well as to cover the costs of breast cancer patient psychotherapy when needed).

Multiples Myelom Selbsthilfe Österreich: Ein Selbsthilfe-Verein zur Unterstützung von PatientInnen, bei denen ein Multiples Myelom diagnostiziert wurde, und deren Angehörigen. Der Verein bietet sowohl Fortbildungsvorträge und –seminare über neue Therapiemöglichkeiten für die Krebserkrankten, als auch Erfahrungsaustausch mit Gleichbetroffenen an (Multiple Myeloma Patient Austria: is a self-help cancer association that supports patients diagnosed with multiple myeloma as well as their families. The association offers seminars on the latest on multiple myeloma therapies and disease management to cancer patients. The multiple myeloma association also provides a forum whereby cancer patients my share and exchange their own experiences with one another).

Österreichische Gesellschaft für Psychoonkologie (ÖGPO): Der Verein bietet kostenfreie Psychotherapie für Krebspatienten und Krebspatientinnen an. Die Sozialfonds des Vereins bietet auch sozial schwachen Krebspatienten und Krebspatientinnen die Möglichkeit, psychotherapeutische bzw. psychoonkologische Begleitung außerhalb des Krankenhauses kostenlos zu erhalten (the Austrian Society for Psycho-oncology offers free psychological therapy to hospitalized cancer patients. The association also offers underprivileged cancer patients the possibility to receive psychotherapy or psycho-oncological support outside the hospital for free).

Selbsthilfe Prostatakrebs: Der Verein setzt sich für ein qualitätsgesichertes, transparentes und flächendeckendes Versorgungssystem ein, welches sich an den Belangen und Bedürfnissen von Patienten, die an Prostatakrebs erkrankt sind, orientiert. Selbsthilfe Prostatakrebs ermöglicht den vom Krebs Betroffenen einen wechselseitigen Erfahrungsaustausch, und bietet Fachvorträge für Erkrankte an (Self-help Prostate Cancer: is a cancer association committed to a high standard, transparent, and comprehensive care system centered around the interests and needs of patients diagnosed with prostate cancer in Austria. The prostate cancer association offers lectures on prostate cancer and facilitates the exchange of experiences among prostate cancer patients and survivors for practical tips and mutual support).

Belgique (Belgium)

La Fondation contre le Cancer a pour objectif d’aider la recherche, de réaliser des actions sociales et de mener des campagnes d’information et d’éducation à la santé, avec le soutien de nombreux bénévoles. Elle organise des symposiums et des conférences sur le cancer destinées au grand public et offre aux patients et à leurs proches des aides psychologique, esthétique et financière. Elle offre aussi un soutien psychologique par téléphone (0800.15.801) pour des personnes atteintes de cancer et leurs proches, dispensé par des psychologues spécialisés dans la problématique du cancer, organise des rencontres avec d’autres personnes qui vivent des épreuves similaires (groupes de parole) et aide ceux qui veulent arrêter de fumer (Tél: 0800.111.00). La Fondation mène aussi des actions spécifiques en faveur des jeunes patients atteint de cancer et de leur famille sous forme de camps de vacances (The Foundation Against Cancer is run with the help of many volunteers and aims at supporting cancer research, disseminating information on cancer, and providing social support to cancer patients. It also organizes conferences and symposia on cancer for the general public. It provides in addition a free phone hotline (0800.15.801) allowing patients and their families to speak directly to doctors and psychologists, and offers free psychological therapy via phone. A dedicated phone hotline is available to people who wish to stop smoking (0800.111.00). The foundation also organizes cancer support groups, and offers young cancer patients and their families free-of-charge vacation camps).

България (Bulgaria)

АПОЗ: Сайт на Асоциация на пациентите с онкологични заболявания – АПОЗ. Асоциацията работи с много доброволци и цели да подкрепя пациентите с онкологични заболявания. Предлага безплатни психологически и социални консултации на пациентите и техните близки. Освен това се сформират групи за взаимопомощ, под ръководството на социален работник (APOZ is an association for cancer patients which operates with a large number of volunteers to help and support cancer patients in Bulgaria. APOZ offers free psychological and social consultations to both cancer patients and their families. The association has also formed support groups made up of professional social workers).

Една от 8: Една от 8 сайт, посветен на жените в България с рак на гърдата. Асоциацията подкрепя пациентките с безплатни продукти като перуки и други аксесоари за коса. Освен това се предлагат и безплатни спортни курсове като Йога или Пилатес (Edna Ot 8 is a portal dedicated to women with breast cancer in Bulgaria. The association supports breast cancer patients with free products like wigs and other hair products. It also offers free activities to breast cancer patients such as Yoga and Pilates classes).


Cheer UpEst une organisation fondée par un étudiant entrepreneur atteint de cancer. Formés et suivis par une psychologue tout au long de l’année, plus de 300 bénévoles apportent au chevet du patient les compétences et les moyens dont ils disposent pour aider les jeunes atteints de cancer à réaliser leurs projets estudiantins ou professionnels, et du même coup les aident dans leur combat contre le cancer (Cheer Up is an association founded by a young entrepreneur himself diagnosed with cancer as a young man. The association operates with 300 volunteers who provide moral and psychological support to young adult cancer patients, inside as well as outside of hospitals. One of the association’s aims is to help young cancer patients go on with scholastic or professional projects, which in turn helps them better fight cancer).

Etincelle: est un espace réservé aux femmes atteintes d’un cancer. Son but principal est d’apporter un soutien psychologique personnalisé à ces femmes et leurs familles immédiates. L’association offre aussi plusieurs activités gratuites aux patientes atteintes d’un cancer dans la région parisienne telles que des conseils diététiques, séances cosmétiques, massages et réflexologie, ainsi que des séances de taïchi, yoga, ou de danse (Spark is a space for women diagnosed with cancer. Its main goal is to provide individual psychological support to the cancer patients and immediate family members. The association also offers several activities free of charge to cancer patients in the Parisian metropole, including dietary advice, makeup sessions, foot reflexology, in addition to tai chi, yoga, and dance classes).

Info Sarcomes: co-dirigée par une patiente (Melle Lecointe) et un spécialiste des sarcomes (Dr. Le Cesne), l’association a pour but de produire et de disséminer des informations médicales et scientifiques actuelles sur les sarcomes et d’ aider les patients souffrants de sarcomes à accéder à des traitements adéquats dans tout le territoire français. L’association aide aussi les patients atteints de sarcomes à former des réseaux de soutien et de solidarité, et de promouvoir la recherche sur les sarcomes (Info Sarcoma is co-directed by a former sarcoma patient, Ms. Lecointe, and a sarcoma specialist, Dr. Le Cesne. The association aims at disseminating current medical and scientific information on sarcoma, and at helping sarcoma patients access the most current treatment protocols in all of France. The association also helps sarcoma patients to be part of sarcoma support groups and generally works hard at promoting sarcoma research).

Jeunes Solidarité Cancer (JSC)Les bénévoles de JSC œuvrent à briser l’isolement dans lequel se retrouvent les jeunes adultes atteints de cancer. L’association offre par exemple des weekends conviviaux où les jeunes patients peuvent faire du sport ou se détendre en compagnie d’autres jeunes vivant des circonstances similaires (Youth Cancer Solidarity is an association of volunteers that works to brake the isolation in which young adults diagnosed with cancer often find themselves trapped. For example, the association organizes weekends that bring together cancer patients in a relaxed atmosphere to help them realize they are not alone. The association also helps the cancer patients participate in fun activities and sporting events, or to just swap stories with other young cancer patients).

Maladies Rares Info Servicesest un service téléphonique pour répondre aux questions concernant les cancers qualifiés de rares au coût d’une communication locale. A travers six salariés dont un médecin et deux biologistes, l’association aide les personnes atteintes de cancer rares en France -la majorité des cancers le sont- à trouver réponse à leurs questions (Rare Diseases Info Services is a phone help line to answer any questions you may have on rare cancers. Six staff members, including two biologists and physician, are here to provide information to all patients suffering of a rare form of cancer, which is the case of most cancers).

Mon Réseau Cancer du Sein: est un réseau social d’entraide et de support de femmes qui ont un cancer de sein ainsi que de leurs familles. Site pratique pour rechercher des ressources à proximité du lieu de domiciliation. Le réseau aide aussi les patientes du cancer du sein à prendre contact avec d’autres femmes qui ont eu un vécu similaire, profitant ainsi de leur expérience et recul. A travers un comité de chercheurs et d’oncologistes, le réseau s’assure à ce que les informations disponibles sur le site du réseau soient scientifiquement et médicalement valides (My Breast Cancer Network is a social media network offering support to women diagnosed with cancer as well as to their families in France. The website helps breast cancer patients find resources within close geographical proximity. The network also helps patients connect with breast cancer survivors as to take advantage of their experience and gained wisdom dealing with breast cancer. Breast cancer information provided by the association is curated by a committee of cancer scientists and oncologists).

Rose Magazine: est un magazine et site web qui offre des conseils et support aux femmes atteintes de cancer. Le support offert par Rose Magazine peut-être d’ordre juridique, financier, ou psychologique en plus de forums et témoignages de patientes et de leur entourage. Le site permet aussi aux femmes atteintes de cancer de communiquer directement avec d’autres patientes dans un esprit de communauté et d’entraide (Rose –Pink– is a magazine and website dedicated to women with cancer. Rose Magazine offers legal, financial, and psychological support, in addition to forums with testimonials and accounts from cancer patients or from their friends and families. Cancer patients seeking advice and experiences they can relate to may also directly communicate on this platform with other cancer patients experiencing similar life circumstances).

URILCO (Urostomisés, Iléostomisés, Colostomisés): est une association à but non lucratif d’information et de soutien pour les stomisés en France, personnes qui se sont faits enlevés une partie de l’iléum, du colon, ou la vessie, par exemple suite à un cancer opérable, et chez qui l’urine ou les sels sont recueillis dans une pochette artificielle. L’association aide les patients atteints de cancer stomisés dans leur réinsertion professionnelle et sociale à travers des permanences téléphoniques et par des visites des patients à l’hôpital (URILCO is a nonprofit association dedicated to helping cancer patients and others who have undergone a resection of the colon, ileum, or bladder and need to wear an external collecting pouch, also known as an ostomy bag. The association helps cancer patients with social and professional reinsertion through personal support by phone or at hospitals).

Vivre Comme Avant: est une association représentée dans plus de 70 villes en France et près de 250 hôpitaux et qui se met au service de femmes et d’hommes atteints de cancer du sein. L’association a pour mission de représenter les patients atteints du cancer du sein dans les instances hospitalières ou de santé publique pour les aider à faire valoir leurs droits. L’organisation compte une centaine de bénévoles à travers la France qui aident les patients de cancer de sein à travers une écoute personnelle et individuelle (To Live Like Before is an association active in 250 hospitals and 70 cities throughout France that helps women and men afflicted with breast cancer. The association supports breast cancer patients in legal matters, and through a hundred of volunteers, offers individual support and counseling).

Deutschland (Germany)

BRCA Netzwerk e.V.: Diese Internetseite ist ein Netzwerk zur Selbsthilfe zum Thema Brust- und Eierstockkrebs mit Informationen, Erfahrungsberichten, Tipps und Möglichkeiten zum Austausch mit betroffenen Frauen (BRCA Network provides information and tips on breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Cancer patients may also use the network as a platform to communicate with one another, exchange experiences dealing with cancer, and generally to support each other in managing their disease).

Ελλάδα (Greece)

To Ίδρυμα Δράσης Κατά του Καρκίνου του Μαστού: φέρει ως σκοπό την παροχή οικονομικής υποστήριξης σε ασθενείς με καρκίνο του μαστού, όσον αφορά στον διαγνωστικό έλεγχο και θεραπεία σε νοσηλευτικά ιδρύματα της Ελλάδος και του εξωτερικού (the Breast Cancer Action Fund provides financial support to breast cancer patients both within Greece and abroad. The nonprofit organization also funds breast cancer research as well as novel treatment options, in a more bench-to-bedside approach; webpage both in Greek and in English).

Σύλλογος Άλμα Ζωής: στόχος του συλλόγου είναι η παροχή ψυχολογικήςυποστήριξης και συμβουλευτικής σε ασθενείς με καρκίνο του μαστού καθώς και των οικογενειών τους (the Alma Zois- Panhellenic Association of Women With Breast Cancer is an nonprofit organization focused on breast cancer patients and survivors, mainly by providing psychological support and advice to breast cancer patients, as well as to their family members).

Σύλλογος Αγκαλιάζω: φέρει ως σκοπό την ιατρική, ψυχολογική και νομική υποστήριξη ασθενών με νεοπλασματικά νοσήματα (The Association Embrace is focused on medical, psychological and legal support of cancer patients. The organization also provides first-line moral support to cancer patients while they wait to be treated in the hospital wards).

Σύλλογος Κέφι: στόχος τους συλλόγου η ηθική και ψυχολογική υποστήριξη ασθενών με καρκίνο και των οικογενειών τους (K.E.F.I is an association found in 2004 in Athen whose main aim is to provide psychological and social support to both cancer patients and their families, at the hospitals as well as at the home).

Σύλλογος Μείνε Δυνατός: σκοπός του οργανισμού είναι η ψυχολογική υποστήριξη ασθενών με καρκίνο καθώς και η παροχή νομικών συμβούλων και αντιπροσώπευσης τους (founded in 2008, Be Strong is an association mainly focused on the psychological support of cancer patients. The association also offers legal advice and representation to cancer patients).

Σύλλογος “I Live For Me”: στόχος του οργανισμού είναι η ψυχολογική υποστήριξη ασθενών που πολεμούν τον καρκίνο, σε θέματα που αφορούν στην καθημερινή ζωή, την εμφάνιση, την σωματική και ψυχική υγεία-ισορροπία και την αυτοεκτίμηση (Nonprofit organization focused on supporting cancer patients and instilling positive attitudes while facing cancer. The association’s main aim is to improve cancer patients’ daily lives and does so by delivering practical information on its website, apps, and via cancer-targeted campaigns).


Barretstown: is a fun camp situated on a 500-acre estate near Ballymore Eustace that is designed to offer a reprieve from cancer to children and their family affected by cancer in Ireland. All services at the camp, which include medical care, food, and lodging to both the young cancer patient and accompanying family members are provided completely free of charge. To date, Barretstown has hosted more than 30,000 cancer patients and family members.

Cancer Fund for Children: is an Irish charitable organization that provides support to children and young adults suffering from cancer, as well as to their families in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Help provided to cancer patients by the association takes several forms of psychological, practical, and financial support at home as well as at the hospital. In addition, the association offers young cancer patients and their families free short vacation stays at their new Daisy Lodge facility in Newcastle, as well as in Pine & Birch cottages in Coleraine.


ACREDITAR – Associação dos Pais e Amigos das Crianças com Cancro: Trata-se de uma associação que atua na área da oncologia pediátrica e visa a promoção da qualidade de vida da criança e da sua família. A sua ação efetua-se junto dos quatro centros urbanos onde existem hospitais de oncologia pediátrica (Porto, Lisboa, Coimbra e Funchal). A intervenção efetua-se através das Casas Acreditar, que alojam famílias e crianças doentes nas proximidades dos centros hospitalares, de apoio informativo e legislativo às famílias e de suporte psicológico e formativo durante a doença e na fase de restabelecimento e reabilitação (To Believe or the Association of Parents and Friends of Children with Cancer strives to improve the quality of life of children with cancer as well as of their families. The association operates along the four urban centers of Porto, Lisbon, Coimbra, and Funchal which all have major pediatric oncology hospitals, offering free accommodation in the vicinity of hospitals to the young cancer patients and their families. It also provides legal and psychological support to the cancer patients’ parents, during the illness and in the recovery and rehabilitation phases).

Ame e Viva a Vida – Associação de Mulheres Mastectomizadas: esta associação foi criada e é dinamizada por mulheres mastectomizadas, sobreviventes de cancro da mama. Tem por finalidade prestar apoio psicológico, emocional, familiar e social a doentes com cancro da mama e suas famílias, esclarecer dúvidas, fornecer informações sobre legislação específica e sensibilizar a comunidade para os problemas das mulheres mastectomizadas. A sua intervenção situa-se nestas áreas, promovendo ainda eventos de lazer e cultura para as mulheres mastectomizadas (Love & Live the Life – An Association for Mastectomized Women: was created and is energized by breast cancer survivors who have undergone mastectomies. It provides psychological, emotional, and social support to patients with breast cancer and their families in Portugal, answers questions, provides information on specific legislations, and sensitizes the community to the problems of women with mastectomies. The association also organizes leisure and cultural events for breast cancer patients who have undergone mastectomies).

Associação de Apoio aos Doentes com Leucemia e Linfoma – ADL: Associação que visa humanizar os servições de saúde associados ao tratamento de leucemias e linfomas. Para isso, através dos seus voluntários, presta apoio, dando informações, explicitando procedimentos e fornecendo material aos doentes e familiares; serve, assim, de elo de ligação entre estes e os serviços hospitalares. Promove ainda apoio domiciliário, efetuando recolhas de amostras de sangue para estudos analíticos em casa de doentes com cancros do sangue e com dificuldades de mobilidade bem como o estudo pré transfusional nestes pacientes (Association of Support for Patients with Leukemia and Lymphoma – ADL: aims at humanizing the treatment of leukemias and lymphomas in Portugal. For this purpose, through its volunteers, the association offers support and information, explains procedures, and provides info-materials to leukemia and lymphoma patients and their families; thus effectively serving as a liaison between cancer patients and hospital services in Portugal. It also facilitates home care, and collects blood samples from leukemia and lymphoma patients who experience mobility difficulties).

Associação de Apoio a Pessoas com Cancro: esta associação tem por missão prestar assistência e apoio a pessoas carentes portadoras de cancro, criando condições para a melhoria de sua qualidade de vida. Assim, a sua intervenção efetua-se pelo empréstimo de equipamentos hospitalares, camas articuladas, cadeiras de rodas, andarilhos, próteses e outros materiais, pela comparticipação em medicamentos e em transportes para tratamentos e pelo apoio alimentar (Association of Support for People with Cancer: The association’s mission is to provide assistance and support to people with cancer in Portugal, and to improve their quality of life. Specifically, the association secures access for cancer patients to hospital equipment, articulated beds, wheelchairs, walkers, prosthetics, and other equipment, as well as assistance with food and medicine. The association also assists cancer patients with transportation forth and back to cancer treatment centers in Portugal).

Europacolon Portugal: esta associação tem por objetivo o apoio ao doente com cancro digestivo. Nesse sentido, para além de ações de sensibilização e informação sobre a doença, proporciona gratuitamente aos doentes consultas de psicologia e nutrição e ainda de terapias complementares, presta informações jurídicas e leva a cabo um Programa de Apoio Domiciliário a Pacientes, com intervenção nas áreas da Psicologia, Enfermagem, Nutrição e Assistência social (Europacolon Portugal: the association aims at supporting patients diagnosed with digestive cancers. In addition to raising awareness and disseminating information about the colorectal cancers, it provides free psychological and nutritional consultations to cancer patients, as well legal support and cancer therapies. The association also runs several interventional homecare programs for cancer patients in the areas of psychology, nursing, nutrition and social services).

Slovensko (Slovakia)

Dobrý Anjel: je charitativna organizacia, ktorá poskytuje finančnú podporu rodinám s finančnými ťažkosťami, ktoré sa stretávajú s rakovinou, uz či je pacientom priamo rodič alebo dieťa. Aby sa rodina kvalifikovala ako rodina v núdzi, taketo odporúčania musia byť vypracované onkológom alebo detským lekárom, pediatrom. Finančná podpora sa poskytuje vo forme mesačneho príspevku vo výške cca 120 EUR za účelom pomoci zmierniť finančné náklady, ktoré súvisia s liečbou tejto choroby (Good Angel: is a charity that provides financial supports to families in financial difficulty that are dealing with cancer, whether the cancer patient is a parent or a child. To qualify as a family in need, recommendation has to be provided by an oncologist or pediatrician. The financial support is provided in the form of a monthly allowance of about 120 € to help with treatment costs).

Liga proti rakovine: poskytuje fórum, kde pacienti s nádorovým ochorením sa môžu stretávať a vzájomne si pomáhať nezávisle od veku, pohlavia a vierovyznania. Pacienti s nádorovým ochorením môžu tiež požiadať o radu od lekára, (odbornú, ale aj ako sa správne stravovať) psychológa, alebo právneho či sociálneho poradcu a to buď osobne, alebo prostredníctvom telefónnej linke počas celého týždňa (The League Against Cancer provides a forum where cancer patients can meet and help each other independently of age, gender, and spiritual believes. Cancer patients can also seek advice by talking to a doctor, nutritionist, psychologist, or legal or social counselor either in person or through the phone hotline during week days).

Slovenska myelómová spoločnosť: je nezisková občianska organizacia, ktorej cieľom je pomôcť pacientom s mnohopočetným myelómom na Slovensku  prostredníctvom vzdelávania, výskumu a prevencie. Ak je to možné spoločnosť tiež podporuje pacientov s mnohopočetným myelómom  a tiež organizuje pravidelne  ročné vzdelávacie akcie pre onkologických pacientov. A zároveň spoločnosť tiež spravuje databázu pacientov s mnohopočetným myelómom, ktorej účelom je  sledovať výskyt a účinnosť liečby tejto choroby (the Slovak Myeloma Society is a non-profit civil society whose aim is to help myeloma patients in Slovakia through education, research and prevention. Whenever possible, the society also supports myeloma patients, and organizes annual educational events for cancer patients. The society also manages a database of myeloma patients to track the incidence and effectiveness of treatments for this cancer).

Venuša: je podporná samosprávna skupina založená  ženami s rakovinou pre ženy s rakovinou v Prešove na Slovensku. Tato skupina je zameraná na pomoc ženám v diagnostike rakoviny, v priebehu liečby, a vo fáze zotavenie z rakoviny a počas lekárskej alebo chirurgickej liečby. Oblasť podpory zahŕňa tiež  psychologickú starostlivosť, pomáha pacientom s rakovinou ako  uplatňovať nárok na  sociálne dávky v priebehu choroby, a  poskytuje právne poradenstvo pre onkologických pacientov  v nemocniciach v Prešove (Venus is a self-help support group founded by women with cancer for women with cancer in Prešov, Slovakia. The support group focuses on helping women at cancer diagnosis, during the treatment, and in the recovery phase from cancer and medical or surgical treatment. Areas of support include psychological care, helping cancer patients understand and access social assistance benefits, providing legal advice for cancer patient rights, in addition to helping cancer patients at hospitals in Prešov).

Slovenija (Slovenia)

Društvo onkoloških bolnikov Slovenije: Pod okriljem društva se izvajajo dejavnosti, kot organizirana samopomoč (program Pot k okrevanju), ozaveščanje bolnikov o pomembnosti aktivnega sodelovanja v vseh stopnjah zdravljenja bolezni in seznanjanje bolnikov o lastnih pravicah. Program »Pot k okrevanju« je vrsta organizirane samopomoči bolnikov z rakom, ki poteka tako individualno, kakor tudi v skupinah. Predvsem skupinsko organizirana samopomoč temelji na izmenjavi informacij med bolniki, da pod strokovnim vodenjem dosežejo čim boljšo rehabilitacijo. Lokacije skupin za samopomoč najdete tukaj (Cancer Patients Association of Slovenia: organizes patient self-help groups within the “Reach to Recovery” program, educates patients about their disease and its treatment, and informs patients about their rights. The Reach to Recovery program is a self-help program for individuals as well as for groups. In the latter, the goal is to facilitate exchange of information among the patients in order to achieve the best and speediest rehabilitation. Information about where the self-help groups are held may be found here).

Srečališče: Društvo ponuja psihosocialno podporo dolgotrajno bolnim. Trenutno sta aktivni dve podporni skupini: ena v Celju in druga v Ljubljani (Meeting Point for Cancer Patients: offer psychological and social support to patients who deal with long-lasting diseases, including all forms of cancer. Two groups are currently active in two cities in Slovenia, Ljubljana and Celje).


Breast Cancer Care: founded by Betty Westgate, a breast cancer survivor, Breast Cancer Care is a charity that provides information and support to people affected by breast cancer. Cancer patients may speak with nurses as well as with former cancer patients who volunteer their time and advice to guide cancer patients through the maize of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.

British Lung Foundation: aims to prevent lung disease by raising awareness about lung diseases, and by campaigning for positive change in UK’s lung health. The foundation also provides information on its website on the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of lungs cancer, as well as a hotline for more information and support to lung cancer patients.

British Thyroid Foundation: is a charity that provides support and information to patients with thyroid disorders, including thyroid cancers. This includes support of parents of children with thyroid cancer. The foundation has also published a book that details low-iodine diet and recipes to help thyroid cancer patients and their families plan their meals.

Camp Quality UK: offers children with potentially life-limiting illnesses including cancer the opportunity to have fun, play, and enjoy various indoor and outdoor activities under the supervision of a competent personnel. It also strives to lessen the stress that most cancer patient’s parents and siblings are often subjected to, providing them with a much needed reprieve.

Camp Simcha: provides 24/7 practical and emotional support to children suffering from cancer and their families anywhere in the UK. Camp Simcha also gifts balloons and toys and entertains the young cancer patients with clowns in hospitals and hospices.

Cancer Buddies Network: is a web-based social network that helps cancer patients, their friends, and families to connect, exchange experiences, and help each other withstand cancer and its treatment. This association helps cancer patients find a support community consisting of cancer patients undergoing similar experiences that can relate and offer practical advice.

Cancer Focus Northern Ireland: provides care and support services in all of Northern Ireland to nearly 6,000 cancer patients and their families, including to some 200 children whose parents suffer from cancer, in addition to 4,000 cancer counseling sessions and 2,000 cancer helpline phone inquiries. The association has also helped 4,000 people in their efforts to quit smoking, and supports cancer research, particularly at Queen’s University.

Cancer Fund for Children: is an Irish charitable organization that provides support to children and young adults suffering from cancer, as well as to their families in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Help provided to cancer patients by the association takes several forms of psychological, practical, and financial support at home as well as at the hospital. In addition, the association offers young cancer patients and their families free short vacation stays at their new Daisy Lodge facility in Newcastle, as well as in Pine & Birch cottages in Coleraine.

The Childhood Eye Cancer Trust: is a charitable organization dedicated to supporting families in the UK whose child was diagnosed with the eye cancer known as retinoblastoma. In addition, the charity works to improve retinoblastoma awareness and research. To date, the organization has provided financial aid to 40 families with cancer. It also provides other forms of support to more than 500 families with a child suffering from retinoblastoma each year.

Fight Bladder Cancer: provides information and supports to people affected by bladder cancer. This charity is run by bladder cancer survivors and their families, and operates across the country through its online and social media presence. In addition to bladder cancer patients and their families, the charity also counts cancer specialists, urologists, nurses, and scientists among its more than 4,000 members.

Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust: is a charitable organization devoted to helping cervical cancer patients and their families throughout the UK. The trust provides access to information and practical support to cervical cancer patients around the clock. In addition, the trust also works to improve cervical cancer awareness for the prevention and early detection of this cancer in women.

Knitted Knockers UK: provides women with breast cancer who have undergone a mastectomy or lumpectomy an alternative to undergoing additional surgeries and breast implants. The charitable organization provides 100% cotton knit prostheses in the shape of real breasts with or without nipples to cancer patients. The charity also offers a waterproof version for water activities and swimming. Knitted knockers are breathable, lightweight, come in several colors, and offered for free upon request to all breast cancer patients in the UK.

Little Princess Trust: helps children with cancer who find losing their hair after chemotherapy upsetting with the gift of wigs made of real hair. To date, the charity has donated more than 4000 real hair wigs to children with cancer across the UK. The charity works closely with hair professionals to best adapt the wigs to each young cancer patient looks and natural hair color. The charity provides the wigs for free for the entire duration of cancer treatment.

Maggie’s: offers free support to cancer patients in 17 centers at NHS hospitals throughout the UK. The support is provided by cancer specialists and psychology and nutrition professionals that help cancer patients chart the best way to manage their illness. Maggie’s also helps cancer patients find and meet other patients for support and help.

Rarer Cancers Foundation (RCF): Provides help and support to patients and their families affected by the less common forms of cancer. RCF offers several services free of charge, including fact sheets about some of the rarer cancers, an 0800 phone helpline that offers help with cancer diagnosis, and a cancer patient forum wherein cancer patients may network and exchange experiences.

Siblinks: is an online forum dedicated to people aged 13 to 25 who have a sibling diagnosed with cancer. The forum helps youngsters with a sibling suffering of cancer to connect, exchange information, and generally to provide each other with much needed emotional support and help.

Teenage Cancer Trust: is a charity that strives to offer practical support to patients between the ages of 13 and 24 that are afflicted with cancer. Among other things, the trust funds coordinators and specialized nurses, helps teenagers with cancer be treated at home whenever possible, and supports education and research for cancers that affect mostly teenagers.