As a member of the US National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS), the Cancer Epigenetics Society asks our members in the States with interest in cancer treatment and survival to help support cancer advocacy in the US. One such initiative is currently undergoing under the umbrella of NCCS to provide a boost  to the bipartisan so-called PACT Act (Planning Actively for Cancer Treatment Act, H.R. 2846). This action is meant to “provide Medicare beneficiaries access to a written roadmap for treatment developed in consultation by both the patient and provider. The treatment roadmap would lay out a plan to address both the cancer and the side-effects of treatment. Care planning encourages important provider-patient discussions where shared decisions are made about how to move forward based both on medical evidence and patient wishes“. You may support this advocacy effort by contacting your representative at the Congress here (Cancer Epigenetics Society news; June 28, 2016).