The Cancer Epigenetics Society is as of July 1, 2017 a Full Member of Epichembio, an EU-funded initiative of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST).
Epichembio (Epigenetic Chemical Biology) regroups scientists and research institutions from 34 countries, making it one of the largest international networks in epigenetics research. It is led by Dr. A. Ganesan, Professor and Chair of Chemical Biology at University of East Anglia (Norwich, UK), and Senior Member at the Cancer Epigenetics Society.
The Cancer Epigenetics Society is specifically involved in the WG1 work group whose research theme is centered around epigenetic chemical probes. This Epichembio working group is led by Dr. Paola Arimondo, Director of CNRS unit 3388 ‘Pharmacochemistry – Cancer Epigenetics Regulation’ at the Centre Pierre Fabre Laboratories (Toulouse, France), and a Senior Member at the Cancer Epigenetics Society.
In addition to promoting and stimulating interactions and collaborations between scientists from various epigenetics research fields, Epichembio aims at furthering the development of new epigenetic chemical tools with high translational application and positive impact potentials on human society.
The Cancer Epigenetics Society is very excited in joining Epichembio research efforts, and very much look forward to taking an active part of the most important European network in chemical epigenetics (Cancer Epigenetics Society news, July 4, 2017).