Postdoctoral Fellows
April 16, 2018 - May 17, 2018
An NIH -supported postdoctoral fellow position is available immediately in Dr. Byungwoo Ryu’s laboratory at the Boston University School of Medicine. Creative and self-motivated candidates with Ph.D. in medical science/cancer biology, biochemistry, and molecular biology (received with a few years or close to be awarded) are encouraged to make initial contact to Dr. Byungwoo Ryu at ryub@bu.edu. These positions will focus on the interrogation of underlying epigenetic mechanisms of tumorigenesis and discovery of noble epigenetic targets for therapy in melanoma and other cancers. The projects use experimental approaches in chemical genetics, proteomics, epigenomics, computational and system biology, advanced gene editing, and whole animal handling as well as traditional molecular, cellular, and biochemical methodologies. Experience in any of these areas is a merit, but mastery of other advanced research techniques will be considered as evidence of an ability to learn skills needed in the projects. The candidates will have the ability to work both independently and as a part of team.
Required Skills
Initial application by email should include:
1) A cover letter stating your education and research backgrounds, long-term career goals, an explanation of how a fellowship in this lab will help achieve those goals, evidence of scientific productivity (two or three recently published first-author papers), and visa/immigration status
2) A complete CV
3) A short list of references (two or three) whom I may contact.