Postdoctoral Research Fellow – Geroscience
September 24, 2017 - October 24, 2017
The Buck InstituteĀ is the only independent institute in the U.S. devoted solely to research on aging and age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, and stroke. Our mission is to increase the healthspan, the healthy years of life. Awarded a federal grant to establish interdisciplinary research in a new field called Geroscience, Buck scientists work in a unique, collaborative environment that allows scientists to initiate studies quickly and respond to new opportunities in fields such as stem cell research and regenerative medicine. Our scientists represent a variety of complementary fields, including genetics, epigenetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, bioenergetics, age-associated disease; and technological disciplines such as genomics, proteomics, protein interaction networks and bio-informatics.
The Buck Institute, which was designed by world famous architect I.M. Pei, is located in Novato, California, 25 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Receive training in specific area(s) of research with the aim of progressing towards an independent career. The appointment is for one year up to a usual maximum of three to four years, each year contingent upon satisfactory progress, as evaluated by the supervisor/mentor.
Key Responsibilities:
– Receive training in specific area(s) to continue the development of personal technical knowledge and research expertise.
– Under guidance, design, plan and execute original research projects or major parts thereof.
– Develop ability to critically evaluate and analyze data.
– Keep a careful record of experiments in laboratory notebooks.
– Publish and present data internally and externally.
– Assist other institute researchers in areas of personal expertise.
– Attend and participate in institutional programs, seminars and lectures.
– Progress towards an independent career.
– Encouraged to seek outside training support.
– Provide other related duties as required
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā PhD in relevant field of study
Please complete application and submit CV to be considered for this position.