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Job Description

The Jackson Laboratory for Mammalian Genetics, in Bar Harbor, Maine, is inviting applications for Assistant, Associate and Full Professors. Faculty on the Bar Harbor campus use genetic and genomic approaches to conduct basic research on fundamental biological problems and mechanisms of disease with emphasis on the mouse as a model system. Faculty members are being recruited for research in diverse areas, including:


  • Cancer Biology and Cancer Genomics
  • Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
  • Developmental and Reproductive Biology
  • Genomic Editing and Engineering
  • Immunology and Infectious Diseases
  • Metabolic Disorders and Genetics of Aging
  • Neurology and Neurobiology
  • Statistical and Systems Genetics
  • Trans-generational Inheritance and Epigenetics


The Jackson Laboratory offers a uniquely collaborative scientific research environment. Faculty are supported by outstanding scientific services, unparalleled mouse and genomic resources, postdoctoral and predoctoral training programs, and numerous courses and conferences centered on the mouse as a genetic model for human biology and disease.


Required Experience

Candidates must have a Ph.D., M.D., or D.V.M. degree and relevant postdoctoral training with an exceptional record of research accomplishment, and the ability to develop a competitive, independently funded research program.  Opportunities are available for shared mentorship of trainees, and integration with The Jackson Laboratory campuses in Connecticut and California.


Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae and a concise statement of research interests and plans as one document, using this link.  In addition, please arrange to have three letters of reference sent to:  facultyjobs@jax.org


Job Location
Bar Harbor, Maine, United States
Position Type

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