Postdoctoral Fellow
December 9, 2017 - January 10, 2018
A Postdoctoral Fellow position is available in Dr. Chuong Dinh Hoang’s laboratory within the Thoracic and Gastrointestinal Oncology Branch (TGIB), National Cancer Institute, NIH.
Our broad goal is to explore the molecular and cellular biology of thoracic cancers, namely mesothelioma and/ or non-small cell lung carcinoma, thymoma, etc. Currently, we have projects that involve investigating microRNA-mRNA interactions in malignant mesothelioma. New projects will focus on the pathogenic signaling pathways relevant to tumor initiation, invasion, metastasis, and resistance. With these projects, we have translational aims of developing novel molecular biomarkers and therapeutic targets based on an understanding of the pathogenetic mechanisms active in these cancers. Also, we are developing novel delivery platforms for nucleic-based agents that require pre-clinical testing in mouse tumor models. The culmination of these projects will be linked to clinical human protocols in these thoracic cancers of interest.
This is a great opportunity for candidates who are interested in cancer biology and want to enhance their career potential by working in our research program with outstanding support of other established laboratories and core facilities in the National Cancer Institute. This laboratory effort will be in close collaboration with other faculty in our branch. We work closely with the Thoracic Oncology Section of David S. Schrump, M.D. (Chief, TGIB), which focuses on epigenetic mechanisms and regulation of thoracic tumors; and with the lab of Dr. Taylor Ripley, M.D., which focuses on metabolism of thoracic tumors.
Qualified candidates should have a Ph.D. in a biological science area or the equivalent background (M.D., M.B.B.S., etc.) with one to five years of postdoctoral experience. A background and working knowledge in molecular and cellular biology is required. Familiarity with basic techniques including DNA/ RNA isolation, cell culture techniques Western-blot, quantitative PCR, immunohistochemistry, ChIP, retroviral or lentiviral transfections, FACS sorting, and working with mice are a must. Knowledge and/or experience in bioinformatics, biostatistics, mutation detection, microarray analysis, RNA-seq and other sequencing methodology, and microRNA is preferred. Previous research experience in cancer or stem cell biology is advantageous, but not required.
Applicants should send their CV, cover letter and letters of recommendation directly to Joanna Lamot at joanna.lamot@nih.gov