Postdoc – epigenetic research
May 6, 2017 - June 6, 2017
A postdoctoral position is immediately available at the Vanderbilt University Genetics Institute and Department of Biochemistry. Our group is interested in the role of non-coding sequence variation in complex disease. Research in the Hodges Lab strives to understand how epigenetic features shape human genomes.
Our work aims to dissect the relationship between DNAmethylation and gene regulation, particularly with respect to the gene regulatory activity of non-coding functional elements. We study this relationship on two levels; first, we are interested in how DNA methylation states are established in differentiating cells. Second, we are interested in the relationship between genotype and DNA methylation state (epitype). Projects in our lab address these questions utilizing innovative biochemical, functional genomic and bioinformatic approaches.
The desired candidate should have a recent PhD in biochemistry, genetics or related discipline, with a strong molecular biology background. Experience with next-generation sequencing, statistical genetics, and bioinformatics is a priority. Please send CVs along with contact information for three references to emily.hodges@vanderbilt.edu.