Professor Position
November 12, 2017 - December 13, 2017
The Department of Pharmacology and Center for Regenerative Medicine, as part of a new Distinguished Faculty Recruitment Program initiative, seeks highly qualified candidates for a tenured Professor position (Associate or Full). Candidates are expected to have a demonstrated record of excellence in research supported by NIH grants. The individual will complement departmental programs in one or more of these areas: 1) stem cell and regenerative biology 2) epigenetics and transcriptional regulation; 3) single cell transcriptomics and computational biology; 4) optogenetic tools to dissect cell signaling; 5) cancer immunology; 6) metabolomics and 7) acute and chronic inflammation.
A highly competitive package is available. The department has strong research programs (http://mcph.uic.edu/home) consistently ranking among the top 10 in NIH funding.
Please submit a PDF file with curriculum vitae and summary of research plan to the Search Committee via: ydong4@uic.edu and apply online at https://jobs.uic.edu/job-board/job-details?jobID=87258