Assistant Professor – Oncological Sciences
August 1, 2017 - September 1, 2017
The Department of Oncological Sciences has a position open for an Assistant Professor in the tenure-line, to maintain and enhance our robust basic and cancer-focused research portfolio. The successful candidate will have a track record in the biochemistry and biophysics of signaling in cancer cell biology. Requirements include a PhD, postdoctoral training, and a track record of scientific excellence in this field, including publications of high impact. Duties involve a major commitment to direct research, complemented by involvement in teaching and service: 85% direct research, 10% Department/School of Medicine teaching, 5% Department/HCI/School of Medicine service. The candidate will oversee the HCI zebrafish shared resource and consult with and mentor faculty in the use of zebrafish models of cancer.
Departmental strengths include epigenetics and transcriptional regulation, mouse and zebrafish models of cancer, and cancer cell biology – including signaling, motility and metabolism. Huntsman Cancer Institute in an NCI-designated cancer center with state-of-the-art laboratories and shared resources, including core facilities for imaging, genomics, drug screening, and population studies. We offer a collegial and interactive research environment that fosters the development of junior faculty and robust graduate programs for training PhD and MD/PhD students.
Please apply at the following link: http://utah.peopleadmin.com/postings/67304
For questions, please contact Dee DalPonte at Dee.DalPonte@hci.utah.edu or (801)-585-7774.