Postdoctoral Fellow – Cancer Genetics, Epigenetics

By |2018-04-05T07:37:12+01:00April 5th, 2018||

NCI-funded positions are available now for motivated, creative post-doctoral candidates interested in fundamental molecular mechanisms ensuring genomic and epigenomic stability and how the mechanistic deficiency relate to cancer initiation, progression, and therapeutic intervention. For more scientific background, please refer to our recent publications (Nature Medicine 13:812-819, 2007; Nature Chem. Biol. 6:766-773, 2010; Mol. Cell. 47:444-456, [...]

Epigenetic editing shows epigenetics as an early cancer-causing event

By |2017-11-13T14:59:40+01:00November 13th, 2017|News|

Unexpected findings in early-stage breast cancer initiation thanks to epigenetic editing. Research conducted at the Queen Mary University of London by Cancer Epigenetics Society Member, Dr. Gabriella Ficz and her collaborators, shows that an epigenetic alteration of just one gene is sufficient to drive normal breast cells to pre-neoplastic stages, a discovery that may [...]

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