Transcription, Chromatin and Epigenetics

By |2018-05-03T13:34:24+01:00September 16th, 2018||

This FASEB SRC is designed to highlight the major advances in science and integrate different topics, which are part of an extremely fast-moving and exciting field of research. The biological scope and the mechanisms of action of DNA and RNA molecules, which have roles in dosage compensation, imprinting, enhancer function and transcriptional regulation, have a [...]

Transcription and Chromatin

By |2018-05-03T13:55:27+01:00August 25th, 2018||

The EMBL Transcription and Chromatin meeting has a long-standing tradition in shaping the field of transcriptional regulation. The meeting brings together leading experts covering all aspects of transcription from cis-regulatory function, long range regulation, 3-dimensional looping, the basal transcriptional machinery, RNA polymerase regulation and function, nucleosome positioning, chromatin modifications, chromatin remodeling, and epigenetic inheritance of [...]

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