Principal Institute Research Scientist

By |2018-04-26T11:42:34+01:00April 26th, 2018||

The Principal Research Scientist applies extensive biology and drug development expertise to oversee cross-functionalresearch teams that are tasked with identifying and validating novel oncology targets, and then apply deep biology insights to then translate these finding to position novel oncology therapeutic agents in contexts that maximally benefit patients. The mission of The Center for Co-Clinical [...]

Postdoc – Immune Oncology

By |2018-03-16T09:25:17+01:00March 16th, 2018||

Position Highlights:  Individuals in this position will participate in ongoing laboratory and clinical studies to define mechanisms and impact of epigenetic agents on immunotherapy response. Studies will include in-depth mechanistic approaches to define underlying molecular mechanisms, as well as studies in mouse models of lung cancer and patient clinical samples.  The Ideal Candidate:  Will have [...]

Research Fellow

By |2018-03-13T09:59:05+01:00March 13th, 2018||

The Arthanari Lab is seeking for a highly motivated postdoctoral candidate with expertise in transcriptional biology. Our laboratory works at the interface of structural biology, drug discovery and mechanistic biology, focusing on transcription factors and there interactions with co-activators and mediators (e.g. Nature. 201625;530(7591):485-9 ; Nature 2008. 452 (7187): 604-9) .Research efforts will be focused on the intersection [...]

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