Postdoctoral Fellow

By |2017-11-18T19:49:40+01:00November 18th, 2017||

Postdoctoral fellow positions are available at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center for highly motivated candidates with a wide experience in molecular and cellular biology applied to cancer research. The laboratory headed by Dr. Andrew Kung, located in the Mortimer B. Zuckerman Research Center, focuses on translational research with the overarching goal of credentialing new therapeutic [...]

Associate Manager – CHM

By |2017-10-17T09:11:00+01:00October 17th, 2017||

The Associate Manager will work with an expanding team of research, clinical and computational investigators working in cancer genomics under the auspices of the Center of Heme Malignancies, the Department of Pediatrics and the Center for Molecular Oncology at MSKCC. We have a strong research focus on pediatric and blood cancers. In our research we plan to [...]

Two Postdoctoral positions – Cancer and Stem Cells

By |2017-10-14T10:54:57+01:00October 14th, 2017||

Two Postdoctoral positions for Cancer Biology (one position) and Pluripotent Stem Cell Biology (one position) in Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center : New York, United States One postdoc positions will focus on the embryonic factors involved in the extra-cellular signal transduction pathway to inhibit tumor initiation and progression directly by sequestering protein-protein interactions and indirectly boosting [...]

Computational Biologist I

By |2017-08-01T06:43:50+01:00August 1st, 2017||

The core mission of the computational division of The Center for Epigenetics Research is to leverage genomic and epigenomic data to provide novel insights into cancer epigenetics, and to communicate these results to multidisciplinary teams of basic and translational scientists, clinicians, and group leaders. This is accomplished through the integration of gene expression, chromatin structure, [...]

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