Postdoctoral Associate – cancer epigenetics
May 9, 2017 - June 9, 2017
A Postdoctoral Associate position is available in the Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center to perform bioinformatics data analysis to understand epigenetic gene regulation and transcription dynamics in various biological processes and disease models including cancer. bioinformatics can address such problems at the systems level. Develop and test novel bioinformatics algorithms in many areas spanning epigenomics and transcriptomics – in the context of stem cells, cancer and aging.
Ideal candiates should have a PhD in a quantitative field, strong programming skills (Python/Perl, R, C/C++) and/or large-scale data analysis skills. Substantial experience in Bioinformatics/Computational Biology is a plus. A non-bioinformatics background with strong training in other areas (e.g., physics or computer science) will also be considered.