Professor – Cancer Biology
June 8, 2017 - July 8, 2017
Qualifications: All successful candidates must possess a Ph.D. and/or M.D. degree(s) and work on basic mechanisms of cancer in areas complementing the existing strengths of the department. We invite applications from candidates with postdoctoral experience and a substantial publication record in broad areas of interest including: the tumor microenvironment, anti-tumor immunity, tumor metabolism, cancer cell-intrinsic signaling pathways, cancer epigenetics, bioinformatics and cancer metastasis. Successful candidates appointed at the Associate or Professor level must have an outstanding track record in publications and external grant funding.
Application Process: Applicants must complete and submit an official application at https://jobs.uc.edu (Posting 13041) and must include a single document attachment including a CV, summaries of research accomplishments and research plan (1 page each), and names of three references. Interested applicants may also contact the Cancer Biology Search Committee, c/o Cara Kramer at kramerce@ucmail.uc.edu for further information and/or details regarding the position.