Assistant Professor – Microbiology and Immunology
September 24, 2017 - October 24, 2017
The mission of the Department of Microbiology & Immunology is to participate in the educational mission of the schools of Medicine, Dentistry, and Allied Health Professions, and to provide significant teaching contributions to graduate education. These teaching related goals are interfaced with a substantial research mission focused primarily on scientific endeavors in the area of epigenetic regulation.
1. Teaching: The successful candidate will assume the responsibilities as course directors of two 600-level graduate courses, MICR 607: Techniques in Molecular Biology and Genetics, and MICR 684: Molecular Biology of Cancer. The successful candidate will develop course objectives and content and actively participate in course and curricular evaluation and development in accordance with program goals. The successful candidate will also be expected to participate in graduate education involving both formal platform presentations and laboratory mentoring.
2. Research: The successful candidate is expected to maintain a dynamic and well-funded research program in the area of epigenetic gene regulation, and regulation of mitochondrial function and homeostasis. It is anticipated that the successful candidate will continue to expand his/her research program consistent with the expectations of VCU’s Quest for Distinction.
3. Service: The candidate for this position will participate in various departmental, school and university committees and provide service to the profession by participating in journal review, study section service, and/or service as an officer of a national society.
4. Clinical N/A
5. Other (for instance, administrative duties, etc.): No direct administrative duties are associated with this position.
The candidate must have a PhD degree with at least three years postdoctoral research experience utilizing advanced molecular biology techniques and experience working in the area of mitochondrial epigenetics and transcription control. The candidate must also have a successful publication record and the ability to train others to perform advanced molecular and cellular biology techniques. The candidate must possess the ability to design, conduct and supervise a research project, and must be a first author on one or more publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals. The successful candidate will also have demonstrated expertise in undergraduate and graduate level student teaching in the areas covered by the courses he/she will direct.