Program Co-Leader – CMG

By |2018-04-18T10:14:27+01:00April 18th, 2018||

The Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) School of Medicine and Massey Cancer Center are seeking a successful scientist and leader to serve as the Program Co-Leader of the Cancer Molecular Genetics (CMG) research program at the cancer center. The CMG program consists of a multidisciplinary group of 26 investigators from 12 academic departments representing four schools. [...]

Post-Doctoral Fellow

By |2018-02-24T21:39:19+01:00February 24th, 2018||

The Espinosa Laboratory in the Cancer Division of the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus is seeking independent and creative postdoctoral fellows. The Espinosa Lab utilizes an integrated system of functional genomics and mechanistic studies aimed at making biological discoveries with clear translational potential. Most of our current [...]

Associate/Full Professor – Human and Molecular Genetics

By |2017-11-18T21:29:26+01:00November 18th, 2017||

SENIOR POSITION IN HUMAN AND MOLECULAR GENETICS (HMG), VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY (VCU), VCU INSTITUTE OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE (VIMM) AND VCU MASSEY CANCER CENTER (MCC) Under the leadership of Dr. Paul B. Fisher the Department of Human and Molecular Genetics (HMG) in the School of Medicine (SOM) at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), and the VCU Institute [...]

Assist/Assoc/Full Professor – Environmental Health

By |2017-07-04T06:03:17+01:00July 4th, 2017||

  Job Summary:  The College of Medicine, Department of Environmental Health and Cincinnati Cancer Center seek a highly qualified researcher for a Tenure-Track or Tenured position in Cancer Molecular Epidemiology (open rank). This position will support the University's mission and commitment to excellence in cancer research. We invite applications from candidates with postdoctoral experience and a [...]

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