3rd Annual Epigenetics Discovery Congress in London, UK

By |2017-10-01T16:07:50+01:00October 12th, 2017||

After our two successful editions, we are glad to announce the 3rd Annual Epigenetics Discovery Congress. With a tremendous progress in technology to generate and analyze reference epigenomes, the epigenetics field is fetching a lot of importance and attention across all medical science’s areas.  Additionally, novel epigenetic molecules across many target classes for drug discovery, [...]

Frontiers in epigenetic chemical biology

By |2017-05-09T18:32:02+01:00May 22nd, 2017||

This interdisciplinary meeting will bring together chemists and biologists that are internationally leading in cutting edge areas of epigenetics.   It is intended for researchers in relevant fields. Free to attend Limited places, advanced registration is essential An optional lunch can be purchased during registration An evening poster session and drinks reception will be held following [...]

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