Director – Sequencing Research

By |2018-04-20T11:29:49+01:00April 20th, 2018||

We seek a talented, collaborative inter-disciplinary scientist to lead innovative application of next-generation sequencing (NGS) methods in close collaboration with Celgene colleagues and strategic research & development partners. This individual will play a key scientific role in the development of internal sequencing resources and the optimization of Celgene NGS assays with focus on novel protocols [...]

Bioinformatics Research Scientist

By |2018-03-30T17:16:13+01:00March 30th, 2018||

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital’s Department of Tumor Cell Biology is looking for a highly motivated bioinformatics research scientist as the key analyst for the genomics and epigenomics projects of the Department of Tumor Cell Biology, in close collaboration with the Department of Computational Biology. The goal of the Tumor Cell Biology department, led by [...]

Research Assistant Scientist

By |2018-03-14T15:19:09+01:00March 14th, 2018||

The Division of Genetic Epidemiology in the Department of Epidemiology is recruiting a non-tenure track Research Assistant Scientist in genetic epidemiology of human complex diseases. The position will focus on identifying genetic, epigenetic or metabolic factors for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, mental illness, Alzheimer’s disease or related conditions. The candidate will have opportunities to work [...]

Postdoctoral Fellow

By |2017-11-18T19:49:40+01:00November 18th, 2017||

Postdoctoral fellow positions are available at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center for highly motivated candidates with a wide experience in molecular and cellular biology applied to cancer research. The laboratory headed by Dr. Andrew Kung, located in the Mortimer B. Zuckerman Research Center, focuses on translational research with the overarching goal of credentialing new therapeutic [...]

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