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Postdoctoral Fellow
April 27, 2018 - May 28, 2018
Position Highlights:
Characterize and Develop Next Generation Therapeutics for Lethal Prostate and Breast Cancers
Project 1: To characterize epigenetic regulators promoting survival, adaptability and metastasis of lethal cancers, particularly hormone refractory prostate and breast cancers and characterize novel small molecule inhibitors that we have recently developed.
Project II. To characterize novel epigenetic regulators of genome stability and how these may be compromised as disease progresses to drug resistant stage.
Labpage link: http://labpages2.moffitt.org/mahajank
The Ideal Candidate:
- Postdoctoral candidates should be highly proficient in utilizing a variety of biochemical, cell biology and molecular biology techniques as well as mouse tumor models to address novel research questions.
- The candidate should be able to work independently as well as in a team setting in the highly interdisciplinary environment at the Moffitt Cancer Center.
- Experience in developing assays to profile compounds using mechanistic and functional readouts is preferred. The candidate should have demonstrated ability to write original manuscripts and review articles.
- Design, conduct original research, analyze data, write manuscripts.
- Present at lab, departmental meetings, institute and international conferences.
- Train other lab personnel.
- Highly organized, motivated and self-driven.
Credentials and Qualifications:
- M.D. and Ph.D. in Biochemistry/Molecular Biology/Cancer Biology with <1 year of post-doctoral
- at least 1-2 first author papers related to epigenetics, long non-coding RNA biology and drug discovery and with a focus on cancer cell biology and drug discovery is preferred.
A competitive salary and benefits package will be offered to the successful candidate. Interested applicants should send a single PDF file that includes a current CV with recent publications, a personal statement of scientific interests and goals (2-page maximum) and contact information for three references to Dr. Kiran Mahajan Kiran.mahajan@moffitt.org